Configs Explained

- If you need help with this plugin you can contact goreacraft on teamspeak ip:
- Website

Death Message: You can use the command '/gback' to get back to your last death location.

-v- Change the price if you have vault installed for using the '/gb' command
Price: 50

-v- Change the currency when displaying messages from this plugin(no impact on plugin functionality)
Currency: $

-v- How often players can use the '/gb' command (in seconds) if they don't have the permission gorea.bypass.cooldown
Gback cooldown: 15
-v- How long players need to wait until the '/gb' command (in seconds) will execute if they don't have the permission gorea.bypass.warmup
Gback warmup: 5
-v- How sensitive the warmup cancel will be when players move (around 1, players can sneak without breaking the teleportation , or on 0 = any slight movement will cancel teleportation, on 2 i think they can even walk and there will be no cancel teleportation)
Gback Warmup finesse on move: 0.5

-v- How long players need to wait until the '/gb <player>' command (in seconds) will execute if they don't have the permission gorea.bypass.backonothers
Gback to another player coldown: 600

-v- Players will get a message if lava detected on destination and if they use the command again in less then "Warn lava cooldown" they will be force teleported there
Detect lava: true
Warn lava cooldown: 10

-v- If true will load previous death locations from files, If false then there will be a fresh list on every server restart
Load deaths on start: true

-v- The death locations will be removed if the older then this ( time in seconds)
Min Time To Store Deaths: 172800
-v- Will clean the file on every server restart from older registrations
Check on start for old deaths: true
-v- Will clean the file when the command '/gb reload' is run from old registrations
Remove old deaths on plugin reload: false

-v- Just some debug stuff i was using when i created the plugin, the first will try to fix wrong time registrations in file and the other will add a bit more info in console
Debug death times: false
More info in logs: false

-v- If true will save to the file every time a player dies, If false will save only the server shuts down (set to true if you get allot of server crashes and want to have up to date registrations)
Save to file on every death event: false

P.S.: Sorry for my english and i hope i made myself understandable :D


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