
This is a plugin i made as a simple storage for gold ingots in a virtual wallet. This wallet can be used in conjunction with my other plugin TribesNextDoor where is uses the wallet to pay for commands in the plugin.

The plugin also has an API which other people can hook into to take gold in or out of wallets, and get information on peoples wallets.

The plugin is very simple to use with very little commands.
The commands for the plugin are:

/wallet - get info on your wallet
/wallet w # - withdraw ingots from your wallet
/wallet d # - deposit ingots from your wallet
/wallet top - Shows the top 10 richest people
(note: replace # with the number of ingots your require)

wallet.withdraw - Allows to withdraw gold from their wallet
wallet.deposit - Allows to deposit gold to their wallet - Allows access to wallet top command

If your data is currently stored in the config, then please with the newest version, move all data into the WalletUsers.yml which will be created on startup


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