

About GoGoBanYourself

GoGoBanYourself_v1.3c is now also available for CraftBukkit 1.8

All later versions are no longer compatible with CraftBukkit 1.7.2
GoGoBanYourself_v1.0 is compatible with CraftBukkit 1.7.2 - 1.7.10
Version: 1.3c_CB_1.7.10 Release: 02 January 2015
Version: 1.3c_CB_1.8-R0.1 Release: 06 January 2015

GogoBanYourself is a plugin for autokicking and banning players for one day similar to what you might know of gamemodes like Varo, Varo 2 or others. Via the Config.yml you can define ho long your users are allowed to player on your server per day. After their daily time has passed, they get banned until the next day 0:00 AM if you want to. You can also define this and some other options like ban on death, immunity after player join, freezed player while he is immune after he joined, ... in the Config.yml, even if they will be banned or only kicked. With version 1.1 also a kick countdown and a countdown to start a new game was implemented.


  • Permissions support for administrative commands
  • Auto kick and auto ban
  • Ban after player died
  • Definable counters for the daily allowed online time
  • Definable time for the join-immunity
  • Freeze players while they are immune
  • Game start scenario with countdown
  • End and restart the game and meanwhile auto reset all counters automatically
  • Only kick or kick and ban players for a day
  • German and English language supported
  • Define your own messages

Version 1.3c

If you already use an earlier version of GoGoBanYourself, it's mandatory to delete the older GoGoBanYourself.jar and also the whole GoGoBanYourself directory first and restart your server after you added GoGoBanYourself_v1.3.jar! There have been added many new features and have been made some extensive changes to the plugin that require this procedure! After that you can configure the new config.yml and messages.yml and start your game.

If no game is running, you and your players can't destroy or place any blocks and are now also immune. After every player arrived at his start location, the owner or anyone with the needed permissions performs "/gogo startgame". Now all players are immune and bound to their actual position and a countdown will be initialized. After the countdown ended, the game is active and all players can move and also get killed. If you activated the option "deathBanPalyers: true" in the config.yml, players are banned for the whole active game if they die. If a player joins and you have set an value for the option "joinImmunity" he is immune for the given value measured in seconds. If you also set the option "moveWhileImmune: false" he also can't move from the block he is standing on while he is immune and also can't place or break any blocks.
To stop an active game you perform "/gogo endgame". With this command all players will be kicked from your server, all files except the config.yml will be resetted even as all counters and banlists. So after this you should be able to start a new game directly. But I recommend to perform a restart of your server after you stopped the game.

If you restart your server while a game is already running, this is no problem. All values, counters and banlists are stored permanently and after the restart everything will be as before you stopped the server. Also if a player disconnects and reconnects later the day his formerly counter is stored. So he really only can have the daily online time you defined in the config.yml.

It is not necessary to edit any of the stored files in the "GoGoBanYourself/data" directory! Please only make changes in config.yml and messages.yml! You also don't have to set the actual date or time in "dates.yml! This will automatically be added and updated out of the plugin itself!

You now can define your own messages in messages.yml!

You now can define a delay for the reset of the counters and banlist in config.yml. You can use this, if you want to automatically reset your counters at another time than 0:00 AM or if your server is located in another time zone than your clients.


Simply download the JAR file, copy it to your Bukkit server's "plugins" directory and reload/restart your server. The first time GoGoBanYourself is enabled a "GoGoBanYourself" directory that contains the "config.yml" and some other needed files will be created.
In the "config.yml" you can choose between english or german ingame language output of GoGoBanYourself and define the counter for your users and if a user is only kicked or kicked and banned for a day. You can also define if a broadcast will be sent if a player is banned. You'll also find the eventually needed permissions inside the "config.yml". With version 1.1 of GoGoBanYourself you can also configure, if players join immune and freezed or only immune without beeing freezed. Here it's also possible to set the length of the immunity. Now it's also possible to auto ban players if they die or get killed. You'll find a description of the possibilities inside the config.yml.


  • Main command of GoGoBanYourself:
    • /gogo

  • Show your current counter (online time in minutes):
    • /gogo mycounter

  • Show a list of currently banned players:
    • /gogo bannedplayers

  • Show all commands of GoGoBanYourself:
    • /gogo help

  • Show the current version of GoGoBanYourself:
    • /gogo version

  • Reload the Config.yml after changes have been made (Admin only, needs permission or OP, can be executed via console without permission):
    • /gogo reloadconfig

  • Reload the messages.yml after changes have been made (Admin only, needs permission or OP, can be executed via console without permission):
    • /gogo reloadmessages

  • Reset Counters manually (Admin only, needs permission or OP, can be executed via console without permission):
    • /gogo resetcounters

  • Start the game (Admin only, needs permission or OP, can be executed via console without permission):
    • /gogo startgame

  • End the active game (Admin only, needs permission or OP, can be executed via console without permission):
    • /gogo endgame


GoGoBanYourself should work with any permissions plugin.

  • Default Permissions (OP automatically owns this permissions):
    • - GoGoBanYourself.reloadconfig - Needed for reloading config.yml! You can also perform this via console without the need of permission.
    • - GoGoBanYourself.resetcounters - Needed for resetting counters and banlist manually! You can also perform this via console without the need of permission.
    • - GoGoBanYourself.startgame - Needed to start the game and the initializing countdown! You can also perform this via console without the need of permission.
    • - GoGoBanYourself.reloadmessages - Needed for reloading messages.yml! You can also perform this via console without the need of permission.
    • - GoGoBanYourself.endgame - Needed to stop an active game! You can also perform this via console without the need of permission.

Issues and Bug Reports

If you discover any bugs or issues during the use of GoGoBanYourself feel free to open a ticket or contact me via


Please also feel free to write your feedback in the comments. I'm happy for every useful feedback or suggestion ;-)

So far, keep on mining, Bullit


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 8, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jan 5, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License

