Goblet of Fire

Goblet of Fire!

What is Goblet of Fire?

Goblet of Fire is a simple plugin I made. The main reason for it's publication is to show other people how to properly use Fireworks in their own plugins. Goblet of Fire launches a firework in the air with a power of 1 (max power is 3) upon a player's death. The firework is a green creeper face surrounded by a red ball.

How could this be useful to a server owner?

Good question! I actually made this for a PvP server! It's a good plugin for PvP, but I can't see any practical use in SMP. In PvP, the firework would alert all nearby players of the death... With a bang! If your server doesn't have enough action, this is for you. I find that a lot of PvP players come running when they see a firework, even if it was a death because of the environment, because they can get the player's items if it is, and if not, they get to fight someone.

Are there any commands?

Nope! No commands at all. Note: There might be added commands soon/

Are there any permission nodes?

Also no! All players get the firework death, no permissions required. Note: There might be added permissions soon.

Can I use your plugin's code?

Yes! A thousand times, yes! The intent of this plugin is to show you how to do it yourself! All I ask is that, if you use my unmodified code, you give me credit! If you make a change in any way, I don't care if you give me any credit at all. You can find the source here. (The nice thing about Dropbox is that opens .java files as source code!)

Oo! I have an idea! Can you add this?

Please comment your ideas and/or feedback on here! If you have any problems, also comment. I'm not using the ticket system, as this is a rather small plugin, and shouldn't have any real problems.

Thanks! Enjoy the plugin, or the source code!


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