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What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
You should maybe consider using the bukkit permission handling system by placing your permission nodes inside the plugin.yml file. By doing that it would also be possible to make a wildcard node like glowstonelanterns.*, because at the moment, those wildcards can't be used, what can be quite annoying.
A tutorial on how to do that is aviable on the bukkit wiki (here).
It would be really nice if you could add that to this already awesome plugin!
Nice plugin - like it alot
Did not want to double up on this with another ticket - but I support Firedroide on this.
It is a simple thing to do with the adding of a plugin.yml
Hope I am not out of line here typing this to you but at the moment your permisions are not working when the permissionBUKKIT is being used.
@Jerjzu: Go
I just rewrote a permissions core to support ALL major permissions systems (Permissions Ex, Permissions, PermissoinBukkit, Essentials group Manager, zPermissions, bPermissions, Vault, etc..) I'll add this as soon as possible to fix the permissions issue
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