Glowstone Lanterns 0.7
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UploadedSep 29, 2013
Size33.95 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.6.2-R1.0
Version 0.7 (29-09-2013)
- Improved permissions system usage and support.
- Updated PermissionsEx library to version 1.20.2.
- Updated bPermissions library to version 2.10.7c.
- Updated Group Manager library to version 2.11.
- Updated zPermissions library to version 1.0.1a.
- Updated Vault library to version 1.2.27.
- Fixed some little bugs.
- Build against Bukkit-1.6.2-R1.0.
Version 0.6 (14-10-2012)
- Delayed lantern changes
- Auto generating config files
- Updated bukkit API
- Improved the permissions manager
- Added PermissionsEx support
- Added Essentials Group Manager support
- Updated Default Permissions support
- The pagages are now renamed to com.timvisee... (instead of me.timvisee...)
Version 0.5
- Rewrote whole plugin, plugin is a lot faster
- Added new bukkit event system
- New file save/load system, made it faster
- Glowstone Lanterns wouldn't crash the server anymore!
- Whole new prebuilt lanterns system which works A LOT better
- Possibility to make ANY costum lantern!
- Some prebuilt lanterns are added and removed
- Added new config features
- Added a help command to see all the commands (/gl help)
- Added a reload command to reload the lanterns list (/gl reload)
- Added a reload command permission node (glowstonelanterns.reload)
- Changed version command result (/gl version)
- Changed some chat messages
- Better user interface in the chat
- There are some other bugs fixed
Version 0.3
- New 'Save' command to save the current lanterns list (/gl save), this command has a permission line (
- Better costum prebuilt lanterns support (command lines supoortend, same as YAML with a # on a line as the first character)
- Bug fixes!
- There's also added an config file
- Function to turn lanterns on when it's raining
Version 0.2:
- Added the external prebuilt lantern files, so you can make your own prebuilt lanterns and share them with other pelople. Of course you can download lanterns from other pelople (or from this forum topic) and use them in-game
Version 0.1:
- Plugin release