
Main Installation Commands Permissions Configuration FAQ

Tutorial 1

  1. OK, first for creating money gift
  2. Make sure you have enough money and then type /giftcard create money <amount>
    ex: /giftcard create money 100 so it will make a 100$ gift
  3. And then you will get the gift info (the ID, password, etc)
  4. Now you need a paper
  5. type /giftcard card <id>, the ID is the gift ID you made before
    ex: /giftcard card 1
  6. Voila! now give the card to your friend and ask them to right clik it

Tutorial 2

  1. OK, second, for creating item gift
  2. Place the items you want to gift to your hotbar and then type /giftcard create item
  3. And then you will get the gift info (the ID, password, etc)
  4. Now you need a paper
  5. type /giftcard card <id>, the ID is the gift ID you made before
    ex: /giftcard card 2
  6. Voila! now give the card to your friend and ask them to right clik it

How to multiply card

  1. First, make your gift, item, money, etc
  2. And then type /giftcard multiply <id> <how many time to use it>
    ex : /giftcard multiply 1 5, so you can redeem card 1, 5 times
  3. make the card, I multiply it 5 times, so make the card 5 times
    type /giftcard card 1, 5 times, and gift that card to 5 players


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