This is an updated version of outdated hardcore plugin from this site: Original Source If player dies, gets banned by certain time. Special thanks for mushroomhostage for introducing new event system in source code because it gave me chance to start updating this plugin ;)
Polski opis angielskiej wersji pluginu:
Polski opis polskiej wersji pluginu PL:
- It can bans only while pvp
- You can set how long gets banned
- You can set how long lightning is
- Commands for admin
- You can change ban message (from 1.1)
- Logging death along with level, exp, location and death message in csv format .
I'll try to keep this plugin alive as long as I can and later I'll also try put some new features.
- /ghard remove [player] - removing player from dead list
- /ghard info [player] - Checking info about player
- /ghard kill [player] - kill and temp ban player
- ghard.kill - allows you to kill a player.
- - allows you to see the info of player.
- ghard.exempt - Allows you to die and not get banned.
for now it doesn't work FYI ops doesn't gets banned. - ghard.remove - allows you to remove a player from dead list.
- rewrite permissions system
Change Commands- Add MultiLanguage (Polish and English) or custom edited by administrator of server
This will be a little bit hard developing, but I think I can do this :)
Challenges for me :D (not bugs):
Set exempt permissions for specify group
No known but We'll see in future :D
Additional informations:
- if you set config.yml incorrect then config is resetting automatically
Look at lifeban plugin in my profile.
Please update this plugin, the ghard.exempt does not work it seems like.
Patrzylem lifeban ale u mnie niedziala odbanowanie przez console a ja mam autounban na stronie www i unban przez console jest mi potrzebny
Poszukaj sobie pluginu LifeBan :) Jest mniejszy oraz wydajniejszy. Filmik jest na Youtube :)
Super plugin ale niedziala ban za dead podczas pvp
I'm planning to make something made in 100% by me so I'll have more control on code. I can share source code to this plugin anytime.
No! This mod was so perfect! Why did you stop updating it?
not sure if you are continuing work on this project, but i gave a group -ghard.exempt but they still get banned? thanks
Is there a way that you make the world and banlist reset when the game is over. Also it would be nice to have a "waiting room" until the game starts. I want to run a public server with this. so when 10 people join it automaticly starts. and when the game is over it resets.
Greetz, Kilian
Istniala by mozliwosc zrobienia nazw miesiaca po polsku ?
Dziwinie to wyglada :
Zostales zbanowany do [tu po ang]
Niestety nie ma jeszcze takiej opcji ;/
Uzyj InClassTranslatora ;D
Tak wogole plugin ciekawy
New version has ghard.exempt working permissions. Here is not yet approved by bukkit staff:
when do you think you'll have the plugin set to work with expempt permissions?
Jak zmienic jezyk na polski?
OK, so my skype is grzegorz20471
mine didnt work for like the first few hours of updating it works now and do you have a skype so that i can message you instead of posting on here
If it works on Bukkit 1.5 then is not needed to be updated.
Ok so how long for it to be ready i use this pluggin alot
Source is too old to keep it updated. I just have to rewrite this plugin.