Commands with Permissions

Main:gamemode.changeRequired to access all of commandsnull1.0

Creativegamemode.creative.change.selfMake yourself creative/gm cre /gc1.0
Creativegamemode.creative.change.playerMake a player creative/gm cre <player> /gc <player>1.0
Creative Signgamemode.sign.create.creativeCreate a creative signnull1.1
Creative Signgamemode.sign.interact.creativeInteract with a creative signnull1.1
Creative Dropgamemode.bypass.creative.dropDrop items in creativenull1.3
Creative teleported to a different world you are able to receive creativenull1.8
Creative Usegamemode.bypass.creative.spawneggAllows you to use Mob Spawning Eggs in creativenull1.9
Creative Usegamemode.bypass.creative.eggAllows you to use Chicken Spawning Eggs in creativenull1.9
Creative Usegamemode.bypass.creative.potionsAllows you to use potions in creativenull1.9
Creative Usegamemode.bypass.creative.enderpearlAllows you to use Ender Pearls in creativenull1.9
Creative Usegamemode.bypass.creative.guiAllows you to use anything that requires a GUI in creativenull2.0

Survivalgamemode.survival.change.selfMake yourself survival/gm sur /gs1.0
Survivalgamemode.survival.change.playerMake a player survival/gm sur <player> /gs <player>1.0
Survival Signgamemode.sign.create.survivalCreate a survival signnull1.2
Survival Signgamemode.sign.interact.survivalInteract with a survival signnulll<interact with sign>1.2
Survival Dropgamemode.bypass.survival.dropDrop items in survivalnull1.3
Survival teleported to a different world you are able to receive survivalnull<World Change>1.8
Survival Usegamemode.bypass.survival.spawneggAllows you to use Mob Spawning Eggs in survivalnull1.9
Survival Usegamemode.bypass.survival.eggAllows you to use Chicken Spawning Eggs in survivalnull1.9
Survival Usegamemode.bypass.survival.potionsAllows you to use potions in survivalnull1.9
Survival Usegamemode.bypass.survival.enderpearlAllows you to use Ender Pearls in survivalnull1.9
Survival Usegamemode.bypass.survival.guiAllows you to use anything that requires a gui in survivalnull2.0

Togglegamemode.toggle.selfToggle you gamemode/gm toggle /gt1.0
Togglegamemode.toggle.playerToggle someone's gamemode/gm toggle <player> /gt <player>1.0
Toggle Signgamemode.sign.create.toggleCreate a toggle signnull1.2
Toggle Signgamemode.sign.interact.toggleInteract with a toggle signnull<interact with sign>1.2

Debug Worldgamemode.recieve.debugGet bugs with your configsnull <on world change>1.8
GMgamemode.getdefaultGet default gamemode for server/gm getdefault2.1
GMgamemode.setdefaultSet default gamemode for server/gm setdefault <gamemode>2.1
GMgamemode.setallAllows you to set all online players gamemode/gm setall <gamemode>2.1


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