
The default content of the groups file is as follows

#Definition and permissions for the groups

#First, the meta-groups
#These cannot be removed, and you can't define their membership
#Everyone is in "all", and all ops are in "op"

#Priority determines what order permissions are evaluated in
#Lower numbers are evaluated first.  Whichever group gets the last word, wins
#It probably makes sense to give the meta-groups low priority, so your more specific
#  groups can override
#If two groups have the same priority behaviour is NOT guaranteed
#If a priority is not specified, 0 will be used

#gbp.manage is the permission needed to use in-game permission commands. By default
#  all ops have this permission.

  priority: 50
  priority: 60
#Use "inherit" to include permissions other groups.
#If you inherit from multiple groups, permissions from them are applied in priotity order
#Set "default: true" to make a default group
#Users are considered members of a default group if they are members of the group
#OR if they are not explicit members of any group
#Per-world permissions are in the worlds: section

#file sets the filename to use for storing memberships.  You don't need this if
#  the group is only used for defaults or inheriting

#  default: true
#  priority: 100
#  permissions:
#    -

#  priority: 110
#  file: members.txt
#  permissions:
#    -
#    - -somePlugin.modPermission
#  worlds:
#    noJumpingWorld:
#      - -somePlugin.jumping
#    flyingAllowedWorld:
#      -

#  priority: 120
#  file: mods.txt
#  inherit:
#    - members
#  permissions:
#    - bukkit.command.kick
#    - fry-gpb.manage