FrogAnnounce 2.1.1


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  • Uploaded
    Dec 9, 2012
  • Size
    16.86 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.7-R1.0
  • CB 1.4.6-R0.1
  • CB 1.4.5-R1.0


Version 2.1.1

  • Updated to CB1.4.5-R0.2
  • Added a new command: /fa mbc <announcement text here> - Announce a message to the entire server.
  • Added a new command: /fa add <announcement text here> - Add an announcement to the configuration. Automatically reloads config.
  • Added a new command: /fa remove <announcementIndex> - Remove an announcement from the configuration. Automatically reloads config.
  • Added a new command: /fa version - Shows what version you have.
  • Added a new command: /fa
  • Changed a command: /fa help - The help is now paginated. This means you can use /fa help, /fa help 1, or /fa help 2.
  • Changed several commands: /fa int, /fa rand - These commands will now reload the configuration automatically, to force changes to apply immediately.
  • Optimized code pathing and made it so that the plugin doesn't really waste tons of time on pointless junk.
  • Fixed a small issue with console commands. They now receive colour.
  • Significantly reduced memory usage, removed tons of unused variables and reused others to replace others.
  • Removed some redundant code which made an if-statement run twice in a row to no effect after the first.
  • Optimized the way players and the console are sent messages.
  • Removed a redundant try-catch and method call, which caused the configuration to load twice, to no effect after the first time.
  • Restructured the way some of the commands work to be more efficient.
  • Added missing permission nodes for opt-in and opt-out commands. They are frogannounce.optin and frogannounce.optout, respectively.
  • Removed an old, defunct command that did nothing because I never really coded anything for it. It was what is now /fa add.
  • Fixed Vault being a hard dependency, should be a soft dependency (hard dependencies are required, whilst the plugin can function without soft dependencies).
  • Fixed /fa bc not parsing the integer that is given correctly, thus announcing an incorrect announcement if it isn't the first one.
  • Reformatted some code.