

Latest file, source, and detailed documentation on my site:


  • ver: 1.0.0
  • Tested on CraftBukkit 1.7.2-R0.1 build 2943
  • Allows players to enable/disable PVP for themselves
  • Has a built-in team system

This plug-in allows for players to enable and disable PVP on a whim. For players to be able to attack each other, both need to have PVP enabled. There is a cool down timer to disabling PVP so you cannot switch it off as soon as you are under attack. There is also an option to give a bonus to experience gain while players have PVP enabled (See config).

Operators can control individual's settings, as well as global settings. Operators can also set the cool down delay per person, and enable global PVP for a certain amount of time.


  • /pvp [on/off]
    Toggles your own PVP status.

  • /pvpcheck [player] or /pvpc
    Checks your target's PVP status, or your own if no player is given.

  • /pvpothers <player> <on/off> [delay] or /pvpo
    Controls another players PVP status. The delay is how long until players can turn PVP back off in seconds. This delay will return to the default if they relog or wait it out. If delay is not given, the default is used (See config).

  • /pvpglobal <on/off> [delay] or /pvpg
    Controls global PVP status. The delay is how long until players can turn PVP back off in seconds. This delay will return to the default after the delay is over, but not if they relog. If delay is not given, the default is used (See config).

  • /pvpteam <team_name> [player1] [player2]... or /pvpt
    Creates a team, and will invite as many players as there are listed after the team name.

  • /pvpadd [player1] [player2]... or /pvpa
    Only available to a team leader. Invites players to your team. Will invite as many as there are listed.

  • /pvpremove [player1] [player2]... or /pvpr
    Only available to a team leader. Removes players from your team and invite list. Will remove as many as there are listed.

  • /pvpjoin or /pvpj
    Will join the team you've been invited to.

  • /pvpleave or /pvpl
    Will leave the team you are in.

  • /teammessage <message> or /tm
    Will send a message to your entire team. Usable by anyone in a team.


Copy FriendlyPVP.jar into your 'plugins/' directory.


After launching the first time FriendlyPVP will copy the default config.yml into the plugin/FriendlyPVP directory.

  • start-pvp-enabled
    Enable this for players to be able to be attacked on log in. Default is false.

  • pvp-delay
    The time in seconds before you can disable pvp after being attacked. Default is 10.

  • exp-multiplier
    The multiplier for the amount of exp gained when a player with PVP on collects it. It is floating point, any amount less than 1.0 will actually decrease the amount they get. Default is 1.0 (no bonus).


  • pvp.*
    Gives all FriendlyPVP commands

    Gives all commands for teams

    Allows you to create teams with commands: /pvpteam, /pvpadd, /pvpremove

    Allows you to join teams with commands: /pvpjoin, /pvpleave

    Allows you to message your team with command: /teammessage

  • pvp.check
    Allows you to check other's statuses with command: /pvpcheck

  • pvp.self
    Allows you to control your own PVP status with command: /pvp

  • pvp.others
    Allows you to control other player's PVP status with command: /pvpothers

    Allows you to control the global PVP status with command: /pvpglobal


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 2, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Nov 2, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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