

This plugin gives you another view on the game. You have chances to get spin tickets while playing the game.
You can earn your tickets killing mobs or just chopping or mining.

Please remember that it is still in alpha so it isn't perfect.


With this plugin its possible to get more experience from the game and have fun.
The plugin adds a new view on the game. If you play dedicated on the server you have chances on getting items that are only gettable through spinning.
It will come with a configuration file where you can change the rates you can find a spin ticket and set the needed spin tickets to spin.
My future plans are to make it compatible with economy plugins.


They next commands are used for this plugin:
/spin You will spin and have chances on winning a price.
/spins Show you how many spin tickets you got.


The config of Fortune:
Economy You can set it true if you have an economy plugin installed supported by vault.
drop_rate_spin_ticket_killing Set the drop rate of spin tickets dropped while killing mobs a minimum of 2 required.
drop_rate_spin_ticket_minig Set the drop rate of spin tickets dropped while mining a minimum of 2 required.
spin_ticket_required Set the amount of tickets required to spin.
prizes_count Set the amount of prizes, the maximum is 10 at the moment.
item_[number] Set the prize for that specific number, example: STONE
item_amount_[number] Set the amount of the item you set at item_[number]


You can customize up to 10 different prizes!


This are the current permissions available:
fortune.* Gives you all permissions.
fortune.spin Gives you all permission to spin.
fortune.spins Gives you permission to check how many spins you got.


If you like my work please donate. It will encourage me to create more plugins and updates!


My plans for this plugin are more commands / permissions, more self customization and making compatibility with many economy plugins.


Feel free to leave ideas and suggestions. It's appreciated.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 8, 2014
  • Last Released File
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