
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


ForgeAPI is a plugin that will go outside the bounds of the bukkit API Some what like Vault but much more different Also adding a break tracker good if you have very low dev,ed plugins so If one breaks Then the API will start dump mode to prevent more plugins breaking

If ForgeAPI breaks there is a backup plugin that is stealthy on the console that is also a Plugin saver

Also Will fix some well known bugs very soon

trying not to get off topic

The plugin is a tool for all people that use ForgeGaming Plugins Some even need this to run

The Plugin has a isPluginBroken Method so it knows if it is broken it will warn all other plugins to stop

This Plugin is a Bridge to other ones

What is doesn't do

It doesn't allow usernames over 16 letters I cant break that limit

It doesn't break the limit of java double 10 trillion

It also doesn't add any permissions system

What it does do

Adds a new worldedit commands


Allows Players to prefix their name with "[Wut] Newbie" and other things

Makes the WorldEdit API able to do about 30-90 WorldEdits at the same time

Enables players to use the dev builds of my other plugins

Listens too all hooked plugins

Creates ForgePluginHook class


The ForgeAPI core has a config to figure out if its a MCForge Plugin

The Plugin is also a Plugin control Core


/forgegaming url
/forgegaming help

CMD Perms


Hooks to these Plugins


ForgeGaming TheWalls



1. Make Plugin first release

2. Fix some bugs

3. Make a intergration with other forgegaming plugins

4. Make Tha wiki better


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