
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

As a server staff member, it can be irritating when you encounter that troll who does everything in his power to make things miserable for everyone on the server. Since long before he'd started senselessly slandering you in chat, you knew you were going to end up banning him anyway, but you feel that a simple ban from a server he never even cared about to begin with is insufficient retribution - so you whip out ForceChatter and ruthlessly humiliate him before revoking his existence privileges.

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There are plugins that let you mute players, and there are plugins that let you force players to send chat messages/commands, but this is the only plugin that lets you do both at the same time. Don't worry; you (and only you) can still be satisfied by observing the unheard messages of the players you silenced.


/makesay <player> <message> - Forces the player to send the message in chat. The message will be executed as a command if it begins with a forward slash. The message will be sent regardless of whether or not the player has been silenced.

/silence <player> - Silences the player, or unsilences him if he was already silenced. If the player is being silenced, then you (the person running the silence command) and only you will still be able to see what the player is trying to type. This is so you can be pleased with knowing how mad he is when you make him say things.


forcechatter.makesay - Required in order to use the makesay command. Defaultly given only to server operators.

forcechatter.silence - Required in order to use the silence command. Defaultly given only to server operators.

forcechatter.protected - If you have this permission, you cannot be silenced or /makesay'd. Defaultly given only to server operators.


To install on your server:

1. Download the plugin as ForceChatter.jar.

2. Place the plugin in your server's "plugins" folder.

3.Turn on your server. If your server was already on, either restart it or reload its plugins by typing /reload. It is better to restart.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 12, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Feb 12, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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