FoodCooker For 1.7.2


This plugin will change the mechanics of the food cooking system in your server! If the plugin is enabled, by using /foodcooker or /fc for short, any cookable food placed next to a heat source (lava or fire) will cook in just 20 seconds! The current cookable foods are all included. These are:

  1. Pork Chops
  2. Raw Beef
  3. Raw Chicken
  4. Raw Fish
  5. Potatoes

This plugin will be good on mostly vanilla servers where it is mostly survival minecraft. It is just a plugin to tweak a current mechanic in the game, cooking!

How To Install

Download the plugin "FoodCooker.jar" and place in in your plugin folder in your server then reload the server.


There is only one permission, foodcooker.foodcooker

This allows the player access to the commands /fc and /foodcooker which are the only commands in the plugin.


Here is a video that showcases the plugin!

Donate To The Developer

Show me some love me donating to me! It encourages me to keep making more awesome plugins like this one! Thanks in advance if you donate! It helps a lot.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 23, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Mar 10, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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