FLockClient - Server
ATTENTION: At this time I'm not able to maintain this project. If any experienced developer wants to maintain this project while I can't, contact-me.
FLockClient is a small and simple tool to force players to use the server defined .jar, It might be useful to modded server and also can work to prevent hacked clients, forcing all the players to use a clean .jar. A client-side modification is required.
Pages: Instructions || Permissions || Key Numbers || Jenkins
- Highly Configurable
- Random security keys
- Multiples clients
- Force player to use a defined client
- Permissions to each client
- Download files from the server
- Permanent ban by MAC address
- more
Permission | Effect |
FLockClient.Debug | Receive in-game debug messages |
FLockClient.F3 | Access access to the "F3" menu |
FLockClient.Texture | Ability to bypass the texture pack lock |
FLockClient.hash.<client> | Access to the <client> defined |
FLockClient.Gui.Debug | Show debug information on download |
FLockClient.ByEmpty | Join the server without the client |
- /lc ban - Ban the player MAC address
- /lc unban - unBan the player MAC address
- /lc info - Show information about a client
- /lc list - List players using any authorized client
- /lc reload - Reload the configuration
- /lc unex - Re-enable the anti-cheat protection
This plugin is made to work with a client mode that is available here, if you don't use the mod, the server will not recognise you!
Know Bugs
- Sometimes the kick message will not be properly shown, this is not related to FLockClient.
- Let me know if you find any!
Please !! UpDate to 1.7.x
Paid with paypal help us if
@ FurmigaHumana
Please Update this plugin!! i'll be very happy to see it works with 1.7+
Love this plugin.will u update this to 1.6.x?
Also. Is the 'send' only works if the client installed FLockClient?
In its update I would like to give an idea to put some commands use only for those who have the client installed server. Thus have more people using this plugin for example people do not like having to download to enter the server but would have benefits like lowering /arena anticheat and /kit anticheat.
Yo!!! Feels like ages but glad you finally made it back. Your FC followers are getting anxious for something... :D
oh hi, nice to hear something from you.. and yeah, it´s still nice, if it´s copy & paste ;)
Well, I finally bought myself a new notebook, it's been a while since the last time I used the internet :D, now I just need to get my shit together and get back to work.
I see that some people started some similar projects, depending on how they are going I'll prioritise other projects and update this one later (they are easier to update, wont take much time as this one will) or perhaps just help them out and shutdown this one, dont know, lets see...
yeah yeah I copy pasted some stuff, my english is rusty D:
Well, this is embracing... btw, i have talked with Furmiga before 2013's ending and his notebook is still not working for recover 1.6+ source-files. I'm developing another solution for my server now (A ControlPanel for players with stats, cash, bans.. in asp.NET), but saki2fifty will have my total support for translating the plugin to PT-BR language, or a minimal dev helping (but i think he can develop better than I haha)
HINT: Furmiga has tried to make MAC Address on MySQL Table, and i think this is a very useful feature! xD
too bad, you wont get any money this way
instead you will get dissapointment and rejection of all community .. and will lose your precious time .. nobody will talk to you later
sorry, get money by other methods
-($450 !! .. are you crazy!! .. all people in this community are here because we like minecraft not to make money!! .. we are common people!!)
I am not in touch with FurmigaHumana.
It's my own made code.
I guess you got Permission from Furmiga to sell the code he created?
hmm, that sounds bad.. i thought you will post it here... @NasaLazation
hope you will share it one time... here is a free alternative: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/sce but a second one for redundance would be nice.
Julia :-)
Hi guys, I just finally finished FLock Client for 1.6.4 / 1.7.2... I can't give you download for free cause I've spent alot of time on it. I am selling one copy of plugin for $450.
I've used it for months now, and it is by far the most important plugin that I've ever used. Seriously. So much so, that I was able to disable all of my Anti_Cheat plugins, disable my Anti_Xray's, etc. The orebfuscator I left on just because of the natural problems MC has with chunk loading.
But, I worked with Furmiga on the side to disable texture pack stuff, menu's, other features, etc. so my client was a little more involved than just the plugin. With FC, I was able to force all players with the exact same client, same features, same everything. I deployed the client via TechnicPack, so all the player had to do was download the pack, and he was ready to go.
i never used flockclient really, but is the only plugin i found that say does what i want, and i'd like to install
in 1.5.2 i used to use orebfuscator, skins plugin and spoutcraft, and force clients connect with spout, but is way outdated now and in we found a better skins solution
my server is a friend's server in which you must recieve an invitation to create an account (like gmail in old days), that way we all are known people, currently i have about 10 accounts with 3 friends playing and developing actively (thus we are not java developers :) )
a friend found a way to get work skins with our own webserver, but involves client mod that i like to force, so everyone in server can see skins, and for block hacked clients and avoid installing orebfuscator and let the server run smoother
dont tell me "you cant do this" or so, it is my choice, if you wont help in what i want please avoid comments
Ok, email sent.
So does everyone actually use all of the features of FC? Or do you use it for the protection only? When I used it, I used all the features including protection Forge Mods, uploading, key protection, etc.
Just curious how others are using it.
Furmiga and I have personally gone back and forth on many things over the past several months... but after trying to contact him many times the last couple of weeks, I think he is just too busy. The last that I heard, his laptop crashed, and was not able to get it off the drive... recently moved to another state, got a new job, etc. etc... but said that he'd try to get me the source, but in the end, he was just too busy with RL stuff.
I'll shoot him an email again to see if he got around to the source...
feaugustoabreu, you may contact NasaLazation as he also had expressed his will to continue with the development of this plugin
people that i also see interested (maybe testing, tranaslation, etc) are me, saki2fifty and o0Julia0o
can you contact FurmigaHumana to get 1.6 beta files? .. or can FurmigaHumana give us someway?
do you have any file to test it ? .. thanks
For those looking for an alternative, you can find it below. All credit goes to Furmiga as he was the inspiration for the plugin. 1.6.4 Beta is ready (project pending the Bukkit Team to approve) and will update to 1.7.2 when MCP is 1.7.2 compliant.
Sakki's Client Essentials:
http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/sce/ (pending Bukkit Team)
Well, i was following the project development since the far beggining (as server owners needed to ask for the .jar here). The real problem is the main core of Minecraft has modified drasticaly and transformed the Plugin Dev's life a real hell hehehe. All base of minecraft develop was gone since 1.6.x and continue the project is difficult by this way.