version 1.0
Makes bedrock flat on moving near player within a specified radius.
This plugin is edit the world.
The concrete is as follows:
Normal World:
- Y=0 ALL Bedrock
- Y=1-4 Bedrock -> Stone
Nether World:
- Y=0, 127 ALL Bedrock
- Y=1-4, 123-126 Bedrock -> Netherrack
- Very easy to use
- Permission support
- Multiworld and Nether support
- Customizable radius
Planned updates:
- Customizable Blocks
- Add support WorldEdit selected region
Please give me ideas!
- Put the FlatBedrock.jar into your plugin folder and reload/restart your server.
- Open config.yml and make any changes you want, then use "/flatbedrock reload" command.
- flatbedrock.reload
Allow reloading the configuration file! (default: op) - flatbedrock.use
Allow using /fratbedrock <radius> command! (default: op) - flatbedrock.auto
Allow auto makes bedrock flat near player! (default: false)
- /fratbedrock
To see help. - /fratbedrock <radius>
To flattens bedrock in specified radius. - /fratbedrock reload
To reload configs.
Command Alias: fratbed, fbr
How to use:
- Add permission "flatbedrock.auto" to player and Move!
- or Use /fratbedrock <radius> ex./fratbedrock 10 is 20x20 square flattens bedrock!
Bugs and Feature Requests:
Use the Tickets tab to submit any bug reports or feature requests.
Or Post them in this thread.
how do u make the entire world flat
Kinda Crashed my server
LOL i made max 10000
I Just want to point out that if u go to Github and you will see the code and i noticed that the commands they have set here are different for some reason they have FratBedrock but its actually FlatBedrock u can check their code in Github if u do not believe me just to see if it does not work for you :D And Offcourse i checked because it did not work for me at first :(
Can I take over this?
No, All Bedrock(Y=1-4) will be changed to Stone.
Chance to spawn ores feature is not supported yet.
I think, that features is takes the overload.
does this plugin change ALL bedrock to stone? or does it have a chance to spawn ores and such?