

Ever wanted your arrows to do something cool?
Like exploding maybe?
How about fireworks where your arrow lands?
Then this is the plugin you need!
The FireworkArrows are now craftable!
Ultra-mega-brand-new-feature: RocketArrows. What does it do?! Check for yourself! ;D


Makes your arrows explode like fireworks!
The explosion doesn't do any damage to anything, but looks really cool!


You craft a FireworkArrow or a RocketArrow, you charge your bow and... such amaze.

  • FireworkArrow:
    Combine an arrow with a fireworkstar
  • RocketArrow: Uncraftable, it's too OP, you can either give it to someone with a command or (if enabled in config) very rarely find it in dungeon chests. Because it's so OP, by default it cannot be shot at players, but feel free to edit this in the config. ;)


Both of them are outdated, but I will keep them here because they were so kind to make a showcase. :3

Outdated showcase by OliverFrenchie

Outdated showcase by itsPrime123


/fireworkarrows - Display the help page.
/fwa - Alias for /fireworkarrows.
/fwa give <fwa/rocket> <player> <amount> - Give a player FireworkArrows or RocketArrows.
/fwa enable - Enable the plugin.
/fwa disable - Disable the plugin; this allows you to disable the plugin if you experience lag, without having to restart your server.


fireworkarrows.* - Allows to use every command and mechanic of the plugin.
fireworkarrows.fwa - Allows the player to access the help page.
fireworkarrows.enabledisable - Allows the player to enable/disable the plugin.
fireworkarrows.craft - Allow players to craft FireworkArrows.
fireworkarrows.give - Allow players to give FireworkArrows and RocketArrows to themselves and others.
fireworkarrows.rocketarrow - Allow players to make use of the RocketArrow.
fireworkarrows.rocketarrow.immune - Makes players immune to the RocketArrow, you may want to give this permission to admins, as the RocketArrow is quite deadly.


enabled: Determines if the plugin is enabled or disabled; is changed by '/fwa enable' and '/fwa disable'.


  • explode-after-20-ticks: Should FireworkArrows auto-explode after 20 ticks?
  • remove-arrow-on-explosion:
    • on-ground: Should the arrow be deleted if it explodes on the ground?
    • in-air: Should the arrow be deleted if it explodes in the air.
  • arrows-from-recipe: The amount of FireworkArrows that will be gained from crafting.
  • simplify-fireworks: May reduce lag, but reduces purdyness as well (fade-colors, trail and twinkle) :/


  • enabled: Should the RocketArrow be enabled? (It's super-OP!! You shouldn't just give these to everyone!)
  • spawn-as-dungeon-loot: Should the RocketArrow spawn in dungeon chests? (Chances of discovering one is 1 in OVER 9000!!1)
  • can-target-players: Should the RocketArrow be able to be shot at players?
  • kill-target-on-explosion:
    • mobs: Kill the targetted mob when the RocketArrow explodes?
    • players: Kill the targetted player when the RocketArrow explodes?

auto-update: Should the plugin auto-update?


You tell me!


Tell me if you found one!


Credits to codename_B, for his FireworkEffectPlayer v1.0 Util.
Special thanks to CaptainBern for helping me out and designing the logo.
Based on the plugin request of Tacoman_.

Previous versions

This is the first plugin I release, please be gentle.
I hope you enjoy playing with my plugin! :)


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