FigAdmin v5.0.2
FigAdmin is a simple /ban /tempban /kick administration plugin Some features include:- Ban records
- IP banning
- Editing bans (very thorough)
- Warnings
- MySql or Flatfile support
- PHP script for a public banlist table (if you use MySQL)
- Export bans to vanilla minecraft banned-players.json and banned-ips.json
- Download latest version of FigAdmin and put it in plugins/ folder
- Restart server with save-all and then stop
- Find the FigAdmin config file in plugins/FigAdmin/config.yml and edit it till you are happy
- Do /reloadfig
UUID support:
FigAdmin has full uuid support. In addition, you can perma-ban a player that has not been on your server before if you spell their name correctly. Remember minecraft usernames are case sensitive.Plugin Usage:
- /ban player (reason) - bans player
- /tempban player time sec/min/hour/day/week/month (reason) - Temporarily ban player
- /ipban on|off turns - IP banning on/off (will IP ban only for online players)
- /unban player - unbans player
- /unbanip ip - unbans players with ip
- /checkban player - Checks to see if player is banned
- /kick player (reason) - kicks player
- /kick * - kicks all the players from the server
- /warn player reason - Issues a warning to given player
- /clearwarnings player - Clears warnings for given player
- /exportbans - Writes ban database out to banned-players.txt (Vanilla ban list)
- /reloadfig - Reloads FigAdmin
- /figadmin - Displays version info
- /ban - figadmin.ban
- /tempban - figadmin.tempban
- /ipban - figadmin.ipban
- /unban - figadmin.unban
- /unbanip - figadmin.unbanip
- /checkban - figadmin.checkban
- /kick - figadmin.kick
- /kick * - figadmin.kick.all
- /warn - figadmin.warn
- /clearwarnings - figadmin.clearwarnings
- /exportbans - figadmin.export
- /reloadfig - figadmin.reload
- /importkiwi - Must be a server operator
Editing bans
To edit a ban you start by getting it's ID/eb search playername
Then once you have an ID number you can
/eb select 123
From there you can modify it with other commands such as /eb time add 1 day
Then finally
/eb save or /eb cancel
Config Option
Most of the config options are self-explanatory.- ip-ban: when this is set to 'true' all online players that are banned are also IP banned
- auto-ban-on-warnings: when this set to any number greater than 0 players will be automatically temp-banned.
- auto-ban-time: Auto temp ban time (see above); i.e. '1 day'
PHP banlist Script
Source CodeIf you are Polish, there is a Polish video tutorial here:
FigAdmin is an updated version of KiwiAdmin by yottabyte. Outdated KiwiAdmin
FigAdmin will have autoreload like KiwiAdmin? Tempbans do not removes from database, perm bans too if I manualy remove his from mysql table. I must write reloadfig after this.
I have CB 1.1 R3 and if I write /ban nick reason, plugin don't ban, just Bukkit ban player in banned-players.txt no in FigAdmin MySQL database. Its like bukkit have high /ban command prioryty than FigAdmin. Sorry for lang :)
Edit: CommandBook /ban command have higher prioryty than FigAdmin. Problem solved :)
an tempban stays in the ban tabel (mysql) but just have a "Time of unban" set. why not also use this on an unban?
/unban <player> = set "Time of unban" to now?
that way you can keep track on who have been banned before.. :)
I gave the permissions to my peepls, they dont work, does it support permissions 3?
Could you make bans that the player were unbanned from not clear from "/eb list name" but maybe instead show an "unbanned # by whoUnbanned"
he changed the way it works. there isnt "an" ipban but instead the option to make ALL bans ip.
So if you type "/ipban on" all bans will be name+ip bans PS: it also ip bans tempbans
i've got some servers connected to a database. if i ban someone on any server banned player can join other server until figadmin is restarted and reloaded the database. can you fix this?
/ipban - not working ... say /ipban on|off ?! when turn it on steel same message /ipban on|off ...
bukkit 1818 figadin 4.0.12
So, I found one way. Plugin use Unix Time Stamp. I use Convert Unix Time Stamp to Readable Date. Link:
Un-banning them, then re-banning not working? Its what I do :3
How to edit time in txt file?
I can't get the PHP page to work despite what I put in the config.
fixed in 4.0.12
I fixed /kick * and the IP ban thing (I think) for 4.0.11
When you IP ban someone, and they join with a different username, a message is printed in chat, to everyone: You are ip ban Which is annoying. Also, they join and are immediately kicked afterwards. Which causes spam in chat.
Plugins: AuthDB, PermissionsEx, Plugman, FigAdmin
CraftBukkit Version: 1772 MC 1.1
kick * doesn't work both from console and in-game. It does say :
23:37:56 [INFO] [FigAdmin] ZachBora kicked everyone. Reason: trying kick * while only 6 people are on
But it doesnt kick anyone.
Could you fix the MySQL part :/ It doesnt auto remove tempbans from the MySQL tabe.
Result: A ugly web banlist.php with tons of expired temp.bans
Also a nice feature would be auto kick/ban/tempban on an amount of warnings.
kiwi admin text file code was a mess
When using MySQL, it doesn't IPban. There is nowhere that the IPs are saved.
Edit: It does ipban but where do you save it?
Why is there no option to import from kiwiadmin txt file?