
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

FastScrollEvent is a plugin that adds a new event to the bukkit system. It is intended to be used by other plugin developers as it adds nothing to the game on its own. The event can eventually be added to bukkit itself if it appears to be useful to a lot of developers.

FastScrollEvent banner

the "fast scroll" event

The FastScrollEvent triggers when a player scrolls intensely with the mouse for about 0,35 seconds. This value worked for me and probably does not have to be changed. The event will not trigger when you are just changing your current item (unless you do that in a.. very intense way as well).

how to install as a server admin

To install the FastScrollEvent plugin you will need one thing: the latest release. Just like with any other plugin, drop it in your servers' plugins folder. FastScrollEvent does not need a plugin that uses it but, it will not add anything to the game without a plugin that uses FastScrollEvent. An example of a plugin that utilizes FastScrollEvent is BlockPainter. If you want to try FastScrollEvent and see what it is capable of, I suggest you download FastScrollEvent and BlockPainter.

how to use as a developer

To use FastScrollEvent in your plugin you will need to link the FastScrollEvent api in your project. This is the same operation that was required to link Bukkit. The jar can be found here: FastScrollEventDev. If you have imported the jar into your project you can use the two classes PlayerFastScrollEvent and PlayerFastScrollListener. You need to extend PlayerFastScrollListener just like with any other bukkit event and implement the abstract method

public void onPlayerFastScroll(PlayerFastScrollEvent event)

The event contains the player that scrolled intensly and the intensity of the scrolling. The javadoc for the classes can be found in the jar file in the internal directory 'doc'.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 18, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Sep 19, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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