FastSoup Ultimate


FastSoup Ultimate is a simple, lightweight FastSoup plugin that is constantly updated and is up-to-date with CraftBukkit 1.7.2. FastSoup Ultimate makes all the competition fly out the window by having it's economy features, easy to modify settings, and that it's always updated with features suggested by the Bukkit community. The functionality of the plugin makes it ideal for a PvP server and easily makes an awesome donor perk. I believe FastSoup Ultimate is worth your time because it's the only FastSoup plugin that hasn't been left in the dark by lazy developers and that it's the only one up-to-date.

What are you waiting for? Try out FastSoup Ultimate today and you'll never regret trying it!

Important PSA: FastSoup Ultimate will not be updated unless a new feature is to be added or the plugin no longer functions correctly. I've made this decision because the latest update, 1.5.2, functions correctly with the newest versions of Minecraft. As always, if you find any issues with the plugin drop a comment or PM me.

How To Use


The installation progress for our plugin is very simple. Follow the steps below to ensure you've installed the plugin correctly:

  • Drop the FastSoup-vX.X.jar file into your /plugins folder.
  • Next, start or reload your server. It'll create a config.yml file at the FastSoup folder inside of your plugins folder.
  • You can now go ahead and customize your config file to what statisfies you. Save it when you're finished.
  • Finally, reload or start your server and you'll be ready to use FastSoup Ultimate!


  • Automatically heals a player by Mushroom Stew's hunger and health.
  • Adds a /soup command that refills empty bowls.
  • Set a price for using /soup, if you have Vault.
  • Does not need hunger low to heal.


  • fastsoup.use | Gives a player access to FastSoup.
  • fastsoup.soup | Gives a player access to the /soup command. v1.2+


FastSoup Ultimate was created by me, I'm an independant developer just creating games, plugins, and modifications to Minecraft for enjoyment of others. If you have any ideas on how to make FastSoup Ultimate better, please drop a comment or send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you and I hope you're enjoying my plugin.

Found a Bug?

If you've found a bug in a build, fill out the form below and post it in the comment section or PM me with the completed form.

  • Build Version: - The build of FastSoup Ultimate you're running.
  • Bukkit Version: - The build of Bukkit you're running.
  • Minecraft Version: - The current minecraft version you're running.
  • Bug(s) found: - Please describe the problem.
  • Screenshots/Videos: - Not required field, if you do get a screenshot or video please post it here, it helps.
  • Server Log: - Seeing if they're any errors in your console will help me see what line of code is the culprit.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 3, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Dec 20, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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