
Minecraft with Fallout Apocalypse feature

Now minecraft can have fatigue, dehydration, radiation level. Just like fallout! Enjoy your Apocalyptic Survival game. Demo

Official Server mcfallout.net

A hardcore survival server :D. You can try falloutcraft plugin at here. (zh_TW server)

Mechanism :


  1. Increase when time passes. 50 to 100(RNG based) per 20mins
  2. Decrease when player lays on bed.(Even during day time. Laying on bed is implemented.)
  3. Well rested status gives you 20% of damage resistance. Otherwise, Fatigue gives you some debuffs depends on how tired you are.


  1. Increase when having certain types of food, and catching on fire. (Such as eating potato, bread, rotten flesh.)
  2. Decrease when players drink from water bottle or any kind of potions.
  3. Dehydration gives you some debuffs depends on how dehydrated you are.


  1. Increase when players hit by creature, and eating food based on the food's radiation level.(Rotten flesh obviously does more than apples.)
  2. Decrease when player drink from water bottle ,golden apple or any kind of potions.;
  3. Radiation first gives you some mutation buffs like night vision. However when the level increases, the debuffs start to appear.
  4. (This will be implemented more specifically. Like different potions decreases different amount of radiation. Now, just water and potion :). It will be configurable in the future.)




  1. /fostatus : Check your current fatigue, dehydration, radiation level.
  2. For other admin commands, please check out this page.

Language Setting

  1. The messages are all configurable. You can edit them based on the name tag of config. I made it easy to understand.
  2. messages.yml : You can edit the message.yml for customized language and messages. Notice that if you use unicode character, say the color charaters code in minecraft. Those characters' format are as \u000F.
  3. If you've done editing your language version. Just replace messages.yml. You can edit them based on the tag of config. The config are quiet easy to understand. For example : YOU_CAN_DRINK_WATER_OR_POTION_TO_DECREASE_THRIST_LEVEL: "your custom text here"

Acknowledgement for those players support me with their donations


遊戲人物名稱(In game name): shouhuyuyi AdenYO handsomeonface stone_family Los_Roubaix XaiSuR_ past1980 MikeW138 alexkok926 ele225588 Volatus MysticSecret Lienax aass1969 Kiritani8980 a98776544z ping89116 WoohooWeehoo Rice_cakes_Soul ElderKuo NLHS910101 lycheeQQ TNTcat_tw a800338211 jreey651050 xsxsxs123123 Kevin_0808 JokeIsOnYou WangKa CGtimmy Feather dark_electric poo861217 05200105 Jerrol_Evan wl02180372 09533225 john0518 guanlinbao Fc_Ka1to


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