

You might say this has been created a thousand times, but mine is different.

What it does is it makes the player think you're OP'd but actually not.


/Fop [Player] | Sends a message saying that you have been Op'd, if you don't dp /Fop [Player] and you just do /Fop it will send you the message, now the message looks exactly like when someone has been OPed, also, when he gets oped, it will send him the message that says [Console: RandomGuy has been OPed!] in gray color and everything to make it look like he is Oped, and another thing is that the OP message is configurable.

/Stopser | If the player thinks he is Op and tries to /stop the server, it will send him the message "Shutting down server.." Then it will kick him for, "Closed server!"

/Pl | When he tries to see all the plugins by /Pl, it sends him a message saying exactly how the message of when you do /Pl with out any plugins, except saying there is no plugins.

/FDop [Player] This will send the message saying that you've been De Oped, if you just do /Fdop it will send you the message.

/Ban | Now here's the funny part, when he does that it will show exactly how essentials shows when you do /ban, and now he will think he is actually OP.

/Gm | It will show him that you have been switched to creative mode, but then it kicks him!

/Disable | When you want to disable this plugin if you want to /stop the server or check the plugins, this is the command you use, this has a permission so everyone can't use it, except OPs ad people with the permission.

/Enable | Type this in if you want to enable the plugin.


fop.command | /Fop

fop.dcommand | /FDop

fop.disable | /Disable

fop.enable | /Enable

Have fun with this :D!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 18, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jan 7, 2014
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