Extremely Violent Gratuitous Bloodbath Extraordinaire

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This server-side mod creates 'blood' whenever a person is hit by a monster, a person is hit by another person, or a person hits a monster. The blood is created using red wool and redstone wire.

Unique Features

The unique feature of this mod is that the blood is entirely artificial, temporary, and client side - if the server crashes or anything while the blood is in existence it will not permanently stain the server. The blood is created by sending messages to clients logged in, NOT by actually changing what any of the blocks are made of.

Additionally, it is able to be disabled on a person by person basis with the /togglegore command, and if the command is used by the server command console it will toggle it for all people on the server.


  • Client side blood doesn't affect maps at all
  • Each player can choose whether or not they want blood in their minecraft, and change their choice any time
  • Blood effects are only sent to nearby players, keeping lag down for both the players and the server
  • Blood effects are generated from PvP, PvM, and fall damage
  • Remembers which players want blood and which players don't
  • Lots of simple, easy to use customization features
  • Autosave for the file that records which players do and don't want gore


  • extremelyviolentgratuitousbloodbathextraordinaire.turnoffservergore - Default: OP. Used for "/togglegore all" to toggle gore for all players.
  • extremelyviolentgratuitousbloodbathextraordinaire.reload - Default: OP. Used for the "/togglegore reload" to reload from the config.yml file.


  • /togglegore - any player can use this to turn gore off or on for themselves only. If used as a console command from the server it will toggle gore for all players.
  • /togglegore all - a player with the "extremelyviolentgratuitousbloodbathextraordinaire.turnoffservergore" permission can use this to toggle gore for all players.
  • /togglegore reload - a player with the "extremelyviolentgratuitousbloodbathextraordinaire.reload" permission can use this to reload settings from the config.yml file.


Place the jar file into your plugin folder for your bukkit server. Run your server and a default configuration file will be automatically generated, ready for you to customize.

Customization through the configuration

The configuration file has several options in it to make your own Extremely Violent Gratuitous Bloodbath Extraordinaire!

  • defaultGoreEnabled - true/false. Determines if by default players will or will not see blood. Default is true.
  • goreSeconds - Determines how many seconds blood will last before being reset. Default is 10.
  • doNotGore - A list containing item ID numbers of things not to get bloodied. This includes things such as vines, leaves, doors, etc. Consult any list showing official ID numbers to see what exactly is added by default, and to see any others you wish to add. By default a fairly long list of things are added.
  • goreAmount - this is used to determine how many blocks get bloodied. Default is 1, but it can be adjusted between 1 and somewhere around 10. Please note that givingit too high of numbes WILL significantly slow down your server.
  • playerDistance - this is used to determine how far away from the action players can be and still see the blood. default is 30
  • cutOffValue - this is used for item ID numbers as a safety to keep newly added and a lot of high numbered items from becoming 'blood' default is 100
  • flatWorld - This is used to optimize Extremely Violent Gratuitous Bloodbath Extraordinaire for flat servers, like for a pvp arena. Default: false.
  • bloodOnWalls - This is used to limit whether blood goes on walls, or just on the floor. Default: true
  • autosaveFrequency - This is how often, in minutes, to autosave the players.yml file that records players' gore preferences. Default: 15.
  • useredstone - This is true/false for if you want the redstone wire used for blood effects. Default: true
  • usewool - This is true/false for if you want the red wool used for blood effects. Default: true

Upcoming features

  • More optimization features
  • Particle effects will be added eventually, however they are lower priority than adding in a few more optimizations and having particle effects enabled for a server will remove the player by player disabling functionality for that server


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 18, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 22, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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