
The configuration for ExpTP is super easy, and right now there is just one value you have to play with! Below is what the default config.yml file will look like when you first load the plugin.

# Default Configuration for ExpTP Version 0.1!
# Set the amount of Exp levels you want the command to cost in the 'cost' field using integers! [1, 2, 3 etc.]
# The default cost (exp levels) for the command [/exptp] is 10!
# Remember!! The permission ExpTP.exptp is required for players to use the plugin!
cost: 10

As you can see, the only value you can change is the 'cost' value! This is how much experience levels you want to charge the players whenever they use /exptp to teleport to another player. The default cost is 10 levels, but you can change it to whatever you want! Easy.

Note: The 'cost' value must be a number (i.e. 1, 2, 10, 20) and cannot be a decimal! (i.e. 0.5, 1.2, etc)

That's it! Done your super uber easy configuration.


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