EXP Commands
EXP Commands
What does it do?
EXP Commands lets you perform any command you desire in a delayed time. Say you did the command /timer 10 c1. /timer would start the timer, 10 would make it 10 seconds until the command triggers, and c1 is the command specified in the config file. It will show the time until the command trigger in the exp bar by decrementing one number every second until zero. You can specify all the command you want performed in the config file, everything for that is explained there. This may all seem a bit confusing, but its a great plugin to have
/timer <time> <command> - Starts a timer with specified time and command (from config)
Coming soon
How to use:
1. Install Plugin
2. Restart Server
3. Configure Commands Config
4. Restart Server Again
5. Start A Timer And Viola!
id:command - All of this is explained in the config.yml
To-Do Features:
the plugin is great, but it deletes the player's xp, unfortunately