Default config.yml

  # If you want to use only permissions and ignore op status, set to false.
  permission-default: op
  # Database to use, default sqlite, no setup needed. If you're using MySQL, set to mysql and fill out the values at the bottom.
  db-type: sqlite
  # Check for a new version on startup, runs in separate thread, no lag. 
  check-new-version: true
  # Seperate messages between this part, not quite used yet.
  line-separator: "<newline>"
  # Chat prefix players will see. 
  chat-prefix: "&f[&6EM&f] "
  # Allow damaged gear to be exchanged.
  allow-damaged-gear: false
  # Min order price allowed.
  min-order-price: 0.0001
  # How many rows per page to show in the list and order commands.
  rows-per-page: 10
  # List order string format.
  list-row-format: "&7[<otype>&7] &f<item>&7x&f<amount> &7@ $&f<price> &7(&f<priceeach>&7e)"
  # Orders order string format, includes order ID.
  orders-row-format: "&7[<otype>&7] &f<id>&7: &f<item>&7x&f<amount> &7@ $&f<price> &7(&f<priceeach>&7e)"
  # Round prices to this many decmial places.
  price-decmial-places: 4
  # Show debug messages in console.
  debugging: false
  # Show the plugin's replies to players in console, so you can see what the plugin's telling players.
  show-plugin-replies: true
  # Allow players to buy/sell to their own orders, used for debugging.
  trade-to-yourself: true
  # Tell the owner of an order when someone buys/sells to them.
  notify-owner-of-transaction: true
  # Log transactions to the database, for the /em transactions command.
  log-transactions-to-db: true
  # Disallow EM to be used in creative mode (you should be handling this in permissions anyway)
  block-usage-in-creative: true
  # When someone buy/sells to an order, tell them each order transaction as well as the end summary.
  show-orderer-each-transaction: true
  # Allow exchange sign to be used once every x seconds.
  exchange-sign-throttle: 1
  # Try to buy/sell to opposing orders before creating a new buy/sell order. Like issuing a /sell before /sellorder. 
  match-opposing-orders-before-posting: true
  # Adding a price to the buy/sell command executes it as a buy/sell order. Works best with match opposing enabled.
  include-price-to-post-new-order: true
  # PRevent players from putting up the same item for too many different prices. 
  identical-orders-per-player: 3
  # Charge a percentage of their asking price when placing a sell order. 1=100%, 0.15=15%, 0=0%, 
  sellOrder: 0
  # Charge a percentage of the returned item's price. 1=100%, 0=0%. 
  sellCancellation: 0
  hostname: localhost
  username: root
  password: CHANGEME
  port: 3306
  database: minecraft
  prefix: EM_


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