Please PM me if you wrote a Plugin using this API, I'm curious what people will do :)

How to use the API

This example code might be fired when a player respawns.
Important for this to work is that there is a sound linked to a label in the config section (apisounds)

Ok, now to java:
First you have to import it the same way as you import bukkit to your reference libraries.
Now we have to create a reference:

eventsounds es = (eventsounds)Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("EventSounds");
if (es == null) return;

you may add a depend or softdepend part to your plugin.yml later but keep in mind that es might become null if you're using softdepend.
Now i'm gonna check, if the sound exist:

if (es.knowSound("respawn")) {

As argument use the label as setup in the config. This will only return true if the config entry exists - it can't check if the client has a resource called like that or if the client has a resourcepack installed at all.
now i don't want to play the sound along with an other, so i'll check if it's spaming:

if (!es.isSpam()) {

I guess i don't need to explain that any more ;)
Now each client owns a soundcount, telling if he can play a sound or not (== 0)

if (es.soundCount(player) > 0)

ok, so if he got some sounds left, we may play the sound to all players on the server:


or we can play it to only the player using:

es.playSound(player, "respawn");

note, that you need to use the label again as mentioned befrore,
As complete example it may look like this:

eventsounds es = (eventsounds)Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("EventSounds");
if (es == null) return;
if (es.knowSound("respawn")) {
  if (!es.isSpam()) {
    if (es.soundCount(player) > 0)
      player.sendMessage("You got no sounds left to use!");
    player.sendMessage("This sound might overlap an other sound right now");
  player.sendMessage("Sound was not registered!");

Command Overview

 * Checks if the sound is linked between config and sound.json by a label
 * @param label The sound labe to search for as setup in the config
 * @return true if sound was found - otherwise false
public boolean knowSound(String label) 

 * Play a sound by label to a player at his current possition with a range huge range
 * @param target The player that is supposed to hear the sound
 * @param label The sound to be played as setup in the config
public void playSound(Player target, String label) 

 * Play a sound by label to all player on the server
 * @param label The sound to be played as setup in the config
public void playSound(String label)

 * Checks if this sound would spam by cooldown
 * @return true if this would be spam - false if cooldown reached 0
public boolean isSpam()

 * The number of sounds the player has left before beeing blocked
 * @return The number of sounds for the player - Admins always return 0! 
public int soundCount(Player target)

The Event-Listener (0.2+)

Data you may get by the Event:

/**The sound-name as it's sent to the client to play the sound
 * For teleports this will be null as two sounds are played at a time
 * @return the name as string (null on teleport) 
String getSound()
/** Specifies what caused the sound to be triggered 
 * @return the sound type
SoundType getType()

/** The player trying to trigger the sound
 * @return a player (may be null)
Player getPlayer()

boolean isCancelled()
void setCancelled(boolean cancel)

The SoundType contains the following values:


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