This project is very old and minimally maintained, so I won't make many guarantees for support.
I have been working on-and-off on a v2.0 rewrite with a completely new config, but I rarely find myself having time or interest for it over other projects.
- Hide those profanities that players keep spewing out these days!
- Anti-spam with configurable punishments (currently a little buggy, disabled by default)
- Permissions for chat colors and formats (also on signs)
- All settings can be toggled with in-game commands or in the plugin config.yml
- Add/Remove words on the blocked list
- Define specific per-word replacements, as well as general replacement (default is just "**..."
- Settings to also filter bad words from commands, signs, books, and more
- Anti-CAPS setting
- Optional auto-updater
- > /chatm anti-filth (toggles on/off -chatmanager.togglefilth)
- > /chatm anti-spam (toggles on/off -chatmanager.togglespam)
- > /chatm colors (toggles on/off -chatmanager.togglecolor)
- > /chatm formats (toggles on/off -chatmanager.toggleformat)
- > /chatm reload (-chatmanager.reload)
- > /chatm help/list/info (-chatmanager.command)
More Permissions:
- chatmanager.spamfilter.exempt
- chatmanager.chatfilter.exempt
- chatmanager.color.*
- chatmanager.color.<color name>
- chatmanager.format.*
- chatmanager.format.<format name>
- chatmanager.signcolor
- chatmanager.signformat
Please let me know if you find any bugs or bypasses, and I'll do my best to fix asap :)
Hello! I'm using this plugin and I've found that it's started to affect commands I type as well at chat messages. When I use the worldedit command //set grass_block I get the message "<C> Really now?" and nothing happens. I asume this plugin blocks the command because it contains "ass" but I'm not sure how to get around this, even if I use it from the server console. Tysm for the help :D
In reply to sprucestudios:
Idk why it thinks "grass" is a bad word 😂 but there are two settings that should be able to disable this (if not let me know; some of the old config settings might be broken):
sanitize-commands: false
sanitize-commands-start-argument: 3
The first one lets you disable command-filtering entirely (which might let people still swear in private /msg), the second option basically determines how early in the command the filtering starts, (e.g., "/f u test test" is a valid command in a plugin, so there's an option to disable filtering on the command name + first few args)
I would love it if you could set "Default Badword Replacement" to a set of different values, and it would randomly pick between them.
In reply to sprucestudios:
I could definitely do that.
Side note: sorry this plugin hasn't been updated in like 5 years -- I started working on a v2.0 and rewriting pretty much the whole thing, and never fully finished it (I've been using it on a private server and it's mostly ready, but there are a lot of features in the config which don't work correctly yet in v2.0), but once it's done I'll clean up this page on bukkit/curseforge and post the jar
@Kixot14 No, this plugin does not include a chat-radius mod. However, there are many other plugins out there that do this, namely Essentials, LocalChat, and Herochat. I believe you can also configure PEX to do this. Ranged chat is kind of outside the focus of the plugin, I am trying to keep it more of a filter/formatter. If you need help just send me a PM, I'm not that busy atm.
Did that plugin have range-mod ?? And if yes - How can moders be able to listen all (global and ranged) chat ??
I could not find a way to replicate the error you are having, if someone else is also having this error please let me know and sorry for not getting back to you for so long, I don't get notifications from comments unless I am tagged
Uhmmm it's not creating a folder to my plugins folder :/
I'm using the latest version of Jan 25, 2015
@Johnanater Great idea!
In the next update (couple days) I will add the following config option:
Fix Grammer: true/false
Might eventually add a spell check too, but it could potentially cause lag or annoy players.
Note to All Users:
The word " t it" will be removed from the default badwords-list in the next update, due the plugin mistakenly blocking phrases like "Ain't it" & " "Aren't it".
If you want this word back in the list, add it manually in the config.
(explanation of how-to in the comments at the top of the config)
I have some ideas! :D 1. Make it so the beginning of a sentence is capitalized 2. Make it so single "i"'s are capitalized Nice work!