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UploadedJun 25, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R4.0
Change Log:
- Update Czech translation.
- Add new command /hat and update translate keys as well as fix colour codes.
- Add a LagMeter (ticks per second) to the /gc command. This command can now be accessed with /lag as well.
- Added a simple /vanish command, with the extra node essentials.vanish.see
If you require a more advanced vanish solution checkout VanishNoPacket from mbaxter.
- Add message to sender when all players kicked, addresses issue #1968
- Add option to disable jails entirely.
- Add polish translation, thanks losdamianos
- Prevent NPEs in KeywordReplacer
- Add Finnish translation
- add /e<command> aliases to essentials spawn
- fix Portuguese translation with new messages
- Add optional 2n'd param to temp ban reason TL key.
- Add sign throttle config option.
Allows you to limit how often an Essentials sign can be spammed per player.
- Using /exp, show can't find player message, if no matching player is found.
- Fix playerlistname update when prefix/suffix option is disabled.
Fixes #2216
- Prevent joinbots from triggering join code, unless they are actually connected to the server and online.
- Added TL key for ban syntax,
Default message: "Banned: <reason>"
Default reason: The Ban Hammer has spoken!
Optional 2nd param to banReason, will contain user who made the ban.
- Fix teleport cooldowns - thanks @basicsensei
Fixes #2260
- Players should not be able to ignore Console
Also implement chat exempt permission in other commands.
- Fix chat showing [spy] prefix when social spy was not required to see the message.
Fixes #2263
- Replace op ignore exempt with ignore exempt chat permission:
This permission won't prevent a player from ignoring the player, but the player will see the chat messages anyway.
- 3 char min length on /pay and /msg
- Messing around with whois syntax
(TL's probably need some love)
- Fix spacing issue in /list
- Fixing messed enchantment.
- Adding mute status to /whois
- Make /whois throw an error if no matching players are found.
- /vanish command sets players invisible to essentials commands.
- Broadcast command allows colour formatting.
- Fix /lightning <player> <damage> to actually deal the proper set damage (5 or 25% by default).
- Fix /essentials command to not show command debugging if there were no conflicts.
- Try to be a little more sensible with stored cooldowns.
- Fix /mute to follow same convention as /tjail
Fixed #2056
- Missing event aborts in sign code.
- Fix bug with /remove and minecarts
- Allow syntax: /god <player> <on/off>
- Allow syntax: /fly <player> <on/off>
- Play a bit less greedy with events
- Fix kits to only show to people who can use them.
- Fix broken preventmodify permissions check in invsee (*scowls at ementalo*)
Also added check to prevent duping items
- Separate toggle for world teleports using homes.
- Make /home and /back obey the world perm system.
This will prevent players from moving between words using virtually all essentials commands.
ATM /warp is excepted, because we already have per warp permissions.
Ess3 may see warp permissions altered to: essentials.warp.<world>.<warpname>
- Strip invalid chars from kit names
This may possibly block some kits from working that previous worked, if the kit name contained unusual letters
- Try to trim long displaynicks instead of blankly refusing to show them.
Will try trimming prefixes and dropping suffixes before trimming nicknames.
- Force 3 letters before matching players for /god /gamemode and /fly
- Home confirmation when using a bed.
- Update home count to include the bed home if set, this does not prevent people from setting a bed home if they are at max.
- Add whisper to social spy trigger list.
- Switch the order of the alt give syntax to follow vanilla order.
- New config option 'cancel-afk-on-move' - Set to false you don't use afk.
- Fix metrics errors to be... descriptive.
- Throw syntax error on /item, if syntax is wrong.
- Fix null locations in /seen
- Optimize sign interacts.
- Try to speed up teleport events.
- New ingame command syntax: /kit <kit> <playername>
New Permission: essentials.kit.others - allows giving kits to other people.
New console commands: /kit & /kit <kit> <playername>
- Console should be able to kick everyone.
- Move player loading and updates to new thread, to reduce on join lag.
- Chat spy, should show otherworld chat.
- Fix /time not working with the '##pm' syntax.
- Added wiki names for enchantments.
- Jail update, jailed people can't attack other players.
- Report invalid enchantments in kits.
Improve error logging
- Cap mute/ban/jail to 10 years (any more is silly).
Cap time descriptions to 3 significant notions.
- Update seen to show better data for vanished users:
New Perm: essentials.seen.extra - Shows some extra information for staff
- Enable powertools if they are disabled when setting a new tool.
- Command cost api update: Can now set fallback costs.
Repair command addition: ontop of 'repair' and 'repair-<itemname>' you can now charge for 'repair-all' to charge more for /repair all or 'repair-item' to charge per item repaired.
- Allow tppos to be used in console.
- Optional second param to /gm to force gamemode on other players.
- Make sure can build checks in permbukkit/privileges work for admins/owners.
- Add newish signs to default enabled commands config.
- Reset ban reason to null on /ban <player>, if no reason is set.
- Adding new config setting login-attack-delay. Set this in seconds for a delay before players can attack each other after logging on.
Use permission "essentials.pvpdelay.exempt" to bypass this restriction
- New permission essentials.invsee.preventmodify. People with this permission cannot have their inventories modified by invsee
- Don't kill tamed ocelots with killall Test #1921
- Display name of new world on world change
- Updated dutch translation and fixed many grammar and spelling mistakes.
- Allow your hat to be removed with /hat remove
- added durability check to /itemdb
- Fixes made, added /exp fix [playername] this fixes negative exp.
- New command /exp [set|give|player] [player] [amount]
perms are essentials.exp, essentials.exp.others, essentials.exp.set, essentials.exp.set.others, essentials.exp.give and essentials.exp.give.others - Fix double charge in /jump
- Prevent that a config file is loaded/saved by more than one thread.
- Should fix some exp math issues