Archive - Essentials-2.6.4
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UploadedOct 23, 2011
Size1,015.56 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1337
- CB 1317
Change Log:
- Fix Test
- Use of lomboks delegate on player wrapping
- CB#1337
B#953 - Moved all config options to new Settings classes
- Updated german translation by HDS
- Test if objects can be read from yaml in the original sort
- Correctly fix the N/S direction
- New storage system for settings (WIP)
- Replacing martyr with Pircbot 1.5
- EssentialsUpdate WIP
- Minor fixes. Basic testing shows all works.
- Made a concerted effort to change the in the various languages
to the new format for weather.
- Incidently, there was an error in the _da translation - the message for the key
weatherSun did not have a "in your world" clause. This is added with the "your
world" clause changed, like it is everywhere. - Made a couple commands available for the console (ones that make sense to be able to
access from the command line). - Save the ban reason, not the command name.
- Removing debugging.
- More debugging
- Adding a debug note.
- Moving apikey outside main file.
Keep the actual key in local repo ;) - Made a silly little upload script, for uploading things to dev bukkit.
- Merge remote branch 'remotes/ess/groupmanager' into essmaster
- Added setting to config. This allow control over how
long backups are retained. - Simplified config.yml while retaining backwards compatibility.
- Fixed reading world mirrors from the config.
- Added a config setting - bukkit_perms_override: false
Enable to allow default Bukkit based permissions to remain enabled,
unless directly negated within GroupManager. - v 1.4:
- Updated for Bukkits new YamlConfiguration.
- Cleared remaining Cast errors cause by object cloning.