
Project Information


This plugin allows a user to set a cooldown time for using enderpearls. It will also force a user to look at the air to use, instead of looking directly at a block. You can also turn of endermite spawning in the plugin config file. Now you can also have custom messages! There is also a fancy scoreboard option to display the remaining cooldown of a player.


epc.* - Gives a user access to all commands

epc.reload - Gives a player access to the reload command

epc.help - Gives a player access to the help command

epc.use - Forces a player to have a cooldown when using enderpearls


/epc - Displays commands for the plugin

/epc help - Displays commands for the plugin

/epc reload - Reloads the config file

Additional Information

If there are any bugs you'd like to report, leave a comment and I will work on it asap. If you have a suggestion for me, leave a comment as well!


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