
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Entity Cleanup

Remove them annoying entities!


Entity cleanup is a tool which automatically removes any entities that you add to the list inside the configuration, this includes things such as item drops, XP orbs, minecarts and mobs.

It is fully configurable and can be toggled on and off within game, as well as reloaded. It also has permissions support


#The time between runs in ticks (Minimum 20, make sure you leave the L on the end. 20 ticks = 1 second)
#Do not set too high, or it could cause a server lag while the script has to cycle through all the entities and 
#Remove them
Interval: 40L
#The amount of time the cleanup will run for. WARNING: DO NOT SET HIGHER THAN THE INTERVAL. Reccomended amount is half of the interval or less
RunTime: 10L
#The entity ID's to remove, http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Data_values#Entity_IDs
  - 1
  - 2
  - 10
  - 11
  - 12
  - 13
  - 14
  - 15
  - 16
  - 17
  - 19
  - 20
  - 21
  - 41
  - 42
  - 43
  - 44
  - 45
  - 46
  - 47
#The names of the world to run on
  - world
#The prefix for the command return messages
CommandPrefix: EC
#The color for the prefix
CommandPrefixColor: b
#Enable logging
EnableLog: true


/EC Toggle

Toggles the cleaner on and off. Permission: entitycleanup.use

/EC Reload

Reloads the configuration *Note* This will not change the rate at which the cleaner operates, a restart must happen for that to be changed *Note* Permission: entitycleanup.use

To Do List

- Suggest some things


The source is available on github Source


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