What is EndSwear? EndSwear is an anti-swearing plugin designed to either kick, tempban, fine, mute, or warn players who swear.
- Punishment
- Point-based.
- Multiple options:
- Executing server commands.
- Temporary bans.
- Kicking players for swearing.
- Fining players (via Vault).
- Muting players.
- Blowing players up.
- Smiting players.
- Damaging players.
- Killing players.
- Simply warning players.
- Phonetic matching:
Suppose that player "FreeSpace2" thinks he is being clever. Instead of saying "foo", which is a swear word, he says "fooo". But, with Fuzzy matching, EndSwear can see that he is trying to swear and still punish him!
- Censoring only the swear words!
Permission | Command | Action |
EndSwear.info | /swear info [player] | Gets player data. |
EndSwear.add | /swear add [word] | Allows the addition of words to the swear dictionary. |
EndSwear.whitelist | /swear whitelist [word] | Allows the addition of words to the swear dictionary. |
EndSwear.list | /swear list | Allows the listing of all swear words |
EndSwear.contains | /swear contains [word] | Allows users to see if a word is in the dictionary. |
EndSwear.pardon | /swear pardon [player] | Allows clearing a person's swear history. |
EndSwear.bypass | Bypass the swear filter. |
More configuration help is here. EndSwear now uses MCStats to collect usage information. No personal data is collected, and if you want to turn off statistics collection go here.
Do you have a suggestion? Comment it or PM me!
Comment below, and I will try to help.
Upcoming Features
More threading and speed improvements.Configurable messages.Muting.Phonetic matching.Explosions!Configurable BleepsDamage!Lightning!Point-based punishmentsSingle-jar fileAdaptable point-based punishments.Automatic pardon.Sign censorship.Whitelist.And at long last... a working reload command!- Yet better matcher!
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Want to help? PM me! (You will have no obligations!)
Yeah it never worked on signs, i just disabled it.
Seems to be blocking ALL text on signs, even if they are empty it spams you 5 times with the bad message
Hey there,
Nice plugin, one of the best anti-swearing ones - I believe, but - is there a way I can just block the entire message from coming through, instead of the curse being censored?
Type /minecraft:whitelist <on:off:add:remove> [player]
Because of the whitelist in this plugin, I can't use the CB whitelist mode... Everytime I do /whitelist, it directs to EndSwear. Anything I could do to prevent this?
@BlackFing85 - Yes it works just as well in 1.7.x as it does in 1.6.x but you can run into the same issues that DilloDolphins has mentioned. "hand" "cookies" and such will flag players even if you set the plugin to plaintext / exact matching AND add those words to the whitelist. The big problem is that whitelist does not overwride the plugin like you would think it should.
Does this work with 1.7.2?
I have a big issue with this plugin: I have the config set to plaintext, but when people say things that EXACTLY match what I have put on the swearlist, nothing happens. The word just appears in chat. People can say things like "ass" and "fuck" and it doesn't stop them. I even set the config to "phonetic" matching and people could STILL swear. And it only works for some swear words, not others. Help?
add jail command support and russian characters please!
I have similar issues its picking up / being too harsh with its blocking of words loads of words like 'hand' 'woops' all sorts got blocked on my server...
So since hand*o* is on the list my players cannot say hand? Is there a work around for these type of things.
Hello, is their a way so that i can make messages with bad words dissapear entirely? I dont want any trace they said anything.
could /swear pardon playername please pardon their punishment too. Currently its just the points. its annoying when i'm testing for false positives when i mute myself and can't /unmute
Can you please make another command for whitelist? When I type /whitelist on it doesnt work because endswear overwrites it... I cant even whitelist the server!
Yes, but is the whitelist on bug common or not?
people are afraid to talk with this on my server
its too sensitive
we talked about blocks and someone said glass and it went off on them somone else said "press stone button to fire cannon" and it went off on them
Are they? Looking at that list (holy hell, some of these are so obscure that I've NEVER seen them, even on the darkest corners of the Internet) it seems MORE extensive than the current one.
That helps a TON. I'm going to go and try to fix that now.
They are from:http://www.noswearing.com/dictionary
When I have Endswear installed and I type /whitelist on it shows the help page of EndSwear? I used 9.5 with this error, is this fixed in 9.6? If no can you please fix this in the next update? And no I have no errors in the console :(