This plugin is relatively simple. Many servers, especially pvp servers, probably want to block the use of enderchests because it would completely ruin the mechanics of pvp. This plugin prevents the use of them.
All it does, simply, is check blocks placed and blocks interacted with to see if it has the item id of an enderchest. If it does, it prevents use of it.
There is no configuration, but if your using permissionsEX there is a permission to allow users to bypass the restriction:
Placing restriction bypass permission: ecb.place
Using restriction bypass permission: ecb.use
It's that simple. just drag-n-drop it (assuming your not using permissionsEx, in which case you only need to add 2 perms to people you want to bypass it! :P!
Is this plugins working with 1.4?
The permissions won't work because VoidWhisperer forgot to add this as it seems. The events check for a "PermsEX" in the main file which is always false oO...
@Void: For such a simple plugin you may just use e.getPlayer().hasPermission("XXX.XXX") instead of using some PermissionsEx dependency.
Please help!!! :( It's been a week.
The permissions thing isn't working!!! :( I tried everything! All possible configurations I could think of, with group manager fake perms, with PermEx, as a group perm, as a individual player perm, as the default perm... It won't allow the bypass!
Help :( I sent you a PM.
Haha lol :P
I just spent like 3 hours making this, doing the exact same thing, and I even made it with the exact same name.
Boy, I feel stupid...
Anyways, you beat me to it, good job.
Can you fix the spelling issue?
May I request another feature?
A "forced" share enderchest, where everybody would share the same contents of the enderchest.
It would loose it storage capacity (as everybody would be able to steal the itens), but it would gain a trading capacity.
Theres a little problem with the permissions for us. We want our users to be able to place and destroy them, only us to use them. The thing is, with the ecb.place permission the users can place the chest but not destory them. Only with the ecb.use flag they can also destroy it.
Can you please fix this?
Thanks so much :)
Just uploaded a file with permsex compatability :D Anyone with the perms 'ecb.use' and 'ecb.place' will be able to ignore the restrictions.
Can you please add a permission to allow certain players/groups to ignore this.
PermissionsEx support would be nice.
Sounds like a great plugin for hardcore raid servers, thanks so much. Cant wait till your approved! -xJHA929x
Espically on hardcore servers, it allows people to hide their valuables in the chests, then when the chest are blown up or opened, there is nothing to be taken out, defeating the purpose of raiding people.
How do enderchests ruin the mechanics of pvp?
Yes please! That would help alot! I uploaded the file but it isn't approved yet.
Want me to make u like a logo for the plugin
All in for this, it's going to be essential for multiworlders!