
Here's a list with the available enchantments

Sharpness5Increases damage
Smite5Increases damage to "undead" mobs
Arthropods5Increases damage to "arthropod" mobs
Knockback2Increases Knockback
Fire Aspect2Sets the target on fire
Looting3Mobs can drop more loot
Efficiency5Increases mining speed
Silk Touch1Mined blocks drop themselves instead of the usual items
Unbreaking3Increases durability
Fortune3Increases block drops
Protection4Reduces most damage
Fire Protection4Reduces fire damage
Feather4Reduces fall damage
Blast4Reduces explosion damage
Projectile4Reduces projectile damage
Respiration3Extends underwater breathing time
Aqua Affinity1Increases underwater mining rate
Thorns3Damage attackers
Power5Increases Damage
Punch2Increases Knockback
Flame1Flaming Arrows
Infinity1Shooting consumes no arrows

To get more information visit the minecraft wiki


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