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What steps will reproduce the problem?1. Tim the Enchanter /enchant flame on an axe/pickaxe/shovel of any kind.2. Use for autosmelting.3. Doesn't work.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?To autosmelt the target.
What version of the product are you using?Latest.
Do you have an error log of what happened?No.
Please provide any additional information below.
Simply flame enchant does not work properly for autosmelting. Also is there conflicts with right click features such as capture with sword and etc and MCMMO? I can't seem to use these enchants. Also the triple tap shift leggings "surface" seems to be featureless as well. I'm not super worried about all this though it'd be great. I use these items as rewards for events and such. It'd be awesome if you could add in enchantment table support ! Thanks for making a great plugin!
I just realized that this is my exact problem. So i have a duplicate ticket posted. oh well, i would like a fix.
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