EnchantMore v2.5
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UploadedDec 21, 2013
Size74.68 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.2-R0.1
2013-12-21 2.5
* Update dependency to 1.7.2-R0.1
* Permissions can no longer have spaces in them
2013-10-5 2.4
* Update dependency to 1.6.4-R0.1
2013-07-14 2.3
* Fixed all effects being 'disabled'
2013-07-12 2.2
* Compiled for 1.6.2-R0.1
2013-05-03 2.1
* Compatible with 1.5.2
* Added permissions - see the permissions page
* Added Emerald Ore and Nether Quartz Ore for Pickaxe + Sharpness
* Fix Sword + Silk Touch to no longer "capture" players (optional; capturePlayers option)
* Enhance Hoe + Fire Protection to show Bukkit Material for block
2013-04-19 2.0
* Updated the plugin to 1.5.1
* Improved a lot of effects
* Added a whole lot of WorldGuard support
* This change log would be too big if it documented every detail, so I've left it at the basics :)
2012-04-07 1.0
* Add Pickaxe + Silk Touch III = harvest endercrystal (right-click)
* Add Sword + Blast Protection = shoot fireball (right-click)
* Add Sword + Feather Falling = launch victim (right-click)
* Add Hoe + Knockback = eat dirt (right-click to knock into ground)
* Add Boots + Feather Falling X = zero fall damage
* Remove Sword + Flame = lit path (sorry, doesn't work in 1.2+)
* Remove Axe + Flame II, Pickaxe + Flame II, Shovel + Flame II (see above)
* Configurable duration and amplifier to Axe + Aqua Affinity = slowness effect
* Cnfigurable trunk width and two extra block IDs to Axe + Power = fell tree
* Support for chopping down RP2/IC2 Rubbertrees with Axe + Power = fell tree
* Configurable velocity multipler to Boots + Power = witch's broom
* Configurable Y velocity to Boots + Punch = hover jump
* Nerf Boots + Punch = hover jump, now jumps 0.7 instead of 1.0 by default
* Configurable range and duration to Bow + Aqua Affinity = freeze
* Configurable range and duration to Bow + Bane of Arthropods = poison
* Improve Bow + Efficiency = instant shoot, now cannot pickup the shot arrows
* Configurable power to Bow + Fire Aspect = fiery explosions
* Configurable payloads (spawn egg, TNT, bucket, potion, etc.) to Bow + Respiration = stapled arrows
* Configurable velocity multipler to Bow + Sharpness = increase velocity
* Configurable projectile/living entity teleportation in Bow + Silk Touch = magnetic arrows
* Fix Sword + Infinity, now damages item on use
* Fix Chestplate + Knockback = reflect arrows, can no longer pickup reflected skeleton arrows
* Update for 1.2.5-R1.0
2012-03-13 0.8.2
* Add Sword + Punch = knock out of hand (right-click player)
* Add Sword + Fortune = pickpocket (right-click player)
* Add Sword + Infinity = selective invisibility (right-click player)
* Add Sword + Respiration = banhammer (1=kick, 2+=temp ban)
* Add Chestplate + Punch = brass knuckles (more damage with fists)
* Add Chestplate + Respiration = fish mode (no damage in water)
* Add Leggings + Knockback = tackle (more damage when sprinting)
* Add support for custom items from PlasticCraft, Forestry, Mo' Foods mods in default config
* Enhance Hoe + Fire Protection = sensor, now also displays player information
* Fix Sword + Silk Touch = capture creating invalid spawn eggs on non-standard mobs
* Update to 1.1-R8
2012-02-25 0.7.5
* Add Bow + Feather Falling II = grapple hook (hold Shift to hang on)
* Add Sword + Silk Touch = capture (right-click to drop creature/boat/minecart/primedTNT as item)
* Add Flint & Steel + Silk Touch = remote detonate (ignite TNT)
* Add Chestplate + Sharpness = reflect damage
* Add Leggings + Feather Falling = surface (triple-tap shift)
* Add Fishing Rod + Sharpness = damage mobs
* Add Pickaxe + Sharpness = mine ore vein
* Add Hoe + Punch = grow animal
* Add Pickaxe/Shovel/Axe + Flame II = auto-smelt and light path
* Add support for custom items from Metallurgy mod in default config
* Change Hoe + Bane of Arthropods, now left-click starts storm, right-click stops
* Enhance Bow + Respiration = stapled arrows: try TNT, water, lava (spawn egg, potions...)
* Enhance Shears + Looting, now can be used to acquire saddle from saddled pigs
* Enhance Hoe + Fire Protection = sensor, now can show information on entities
* Enhance Pickaxe + Silk Touch II, now can harvest and place double slabs
* Enhance Pickaxe + Silk Touch II, now can harvest and place hidden silverfish blocks
* Partial support for per-effect configuration options (see config.yml
* Partial (warning: incomplete!) WorldGuard support
Caution: some effects (particularly explosions) still bypass protections (ticket 4)
2012-02-22 0.6.4
* Add support for enabling/disabling effects in config.yml
* Add Leggings + Punch = rocket launch pants (double-tap shift)
* Add Flint & Steel + Blast Protection = anti-creeper (cancel nearby explosion)
* Add Flint & Steel + Punch = cannon
* Add Chestplate + Silk Touch = cactus protection (no contact damage)
* Add Axe + Aqua Affinity = slowness effect (like Bow, but melee attack) (ticket 1)
* Add Axe + Respiration = generate tree
* Add Hoe + Fire Protection = sensor
* Add support for enchantments on RP2/IC2/other items (see config.yml
* Change Boots + Punch = hover jump, now activated by double-tapping shift
Fixes conflict with Shift for sneaking
* Improve Shovel + Power = excavate, now can excavate sand by default
* Improve potion effects, now applies to all living entities and uses new API
* Fix Pickaxe + Power, now only breaks blocks when left-clicking
2012-02-18 0.5.7
* Add Bow + Respiration = stapled arrows (attach adjacent item in inventory)
* Add Bow + Silk Touch = magnetic arrows (transport nearby entity)
* Add Sword + Fire Protection = return to player when dropped in lava
* Add Pickaxe + Looting = deconstruct (reverse crafting)
* Add Hoe + Power = move time
* Add Hoe + Bane of Arthropods = toggle downfall
* Add Shears + Power = hedge/trimmer builder effect, right-click leaves to build
* Improve Pickaxe/Shovel/Axe + Flame = auto-smelt, now drops natural item if unsmeltable
* Improve Axe + Power = fell tree, now breaks more branches depending on enchantment level
* Improve Boots + Punch = hover jump, now only jumps when press Shift, not release
* Improve Boots + Punch = hover jump, now preserves horizontal momentum
* Improve Chestplate + Infinity = god mode, now maxes out food level and health
* Improve Shears + Looting, now can also collect leather from cows
* Change Shears + Power = hedge trimmer, now cuts in fixed shape instead of all contiguous
* Fix not ignoring cancelled events (partial fix for ticket 4)
* Fix new item/enchantments not respecting Unbreaking and not breaking when used up
* Fix NPE and player disconnect with certain enchantments when using ModLoaderMP (ticket 6)
* Fix Axe + Power = fell tree crashing in some situations (ticket 3)
* Fix Shears + Power = hedge trimmer crashing in some situations (ticket 2)
2012-02-15 0.5.1a
* Fix durability destruction bug affecting all pickaxes (ticket 7)
* Compile against CraftBukkit 1.1-R4
2012-02-13 0.5.1
* Add Boots + Power = witch's broom (sprint flying)
* Add Boots + Punch = shift to hover jump
* Add Boots + Flame = firewalker (set ground on fire)
* Add Chestplate + Infinity = god mode (no damage)
* Improve Hoe + Aqua Affinity = auto-hydrate, now can make flowing water stationary
* Improve Sword + Flame, now creates a lit path (light level 15), no more temp glowstone
2012-02-10 0.3
* Add Bow + Knockback = pierce blocks
* Add Shovel + Silk Touch II = harvest fallen snow, fire
* Add Pickaxe + Silk Touch II = harvest ice
* Merge functionality of older Sublimation project (add sublimateIce option)
* Change strike lightning 100+ meters away to Sword + Power (was Sword + Flame)
* Add Sword + Flame = temporary glowstone headlamp
* Add Helmet + Fire Aspect = swim in lava
* Add Chestplate + Knockback = reflect arrows
2012-02-03 0.2
* Add Bow + Sharpness = increase velocity
* Add Bow + Aqua Affinity = freeze water, stun players
* Add Bow + Bane of Arthropods = poison
* Add Bow + Efficiency = instant shoot
* Add Sword + Flame = strike lightning 100+ meters away
* Fix Hoe + Respiration to grow saplings and crops using right-click
* Fix Flint & Steel + Fire Protection to now combine with Fire Aspect
* Fix Axe + Flame on saplings (etc.) causing IllegalArgumentException
* Tested with CraftBukkit 1.1-R3
2012-01-29 0.1
* Initial release
Some effects are overpowered or unstable or bypass world protection; be careful! Remember you can always disable unwanted effects in config.yml.
For all known issues or to file a new bug see Tickets.