1.15.2 Support
Version 3.1.0 to 3.1.6 supports it natively, later versions do not include that support
1.16.5 Support
Following 4.0.0 the version is still supported codewise, however you need to severely tinker with the magicCompat.yml file in order to get full functionallity. Consider just copying it from your 3.1.6 install
While we currently don't add or remove any enchantments (compared to Zenchantments), we will attempt to rebalance them and make them futureproof. In essence, we attempt to make this fork as stable as possible to support production-grade Servers. We also introduce the one or other twist, such as colourable lasers (pointless, I know)!
Now to copy the original plugin's description:
We also provide a magicCompat.yml so you can be prepared for the future and a patches.yml so you can tailor said gameplay experience even more (as well as borking the plugin)!
How do I get support?
Lore getters or NBT getters? What's the difference anyway?
Lore getters have the pro that they are very versatile and can be used to accept your old Zenchantments enchantments.
They WILL however break if you choose to change the name of the lore or set the name of the lore to ""!
They will accept "invisible" enchantments and the change of the name of enchantments, however cannot convert from other getters, in case you want to convert the enchantments, use an old 1.1.x version for the meantime.
Does this work with 1.8.x/1.12.x/1.15.x?
Why would I use this over any other CE plugins?
The plugin is also compatible with Zenchantments, provided that you are using a Lore Getter
In case you find a bug, report it to me and I'll do the best to fix it
Can you implement XYZ?
enchplus.enchant.get - On player enchant event, allow player to have a chance at the enabled custom enchantments
enchplus.enchant.use - Allow player to use the given custom enchants on an item
enchplus.command.reload - Access to /ench reload, to reload the configuration (try not to use, may lead to memory leaks)
enchplus.command.give - Gives an enchanted item, while similar to enchant, it also gives the underlying material
enchplus.command.list - Lists all availiable enchantments
enchplus.command.info - Returns the info of an enchantments
enchplus.command.onoff - Abillity to turn on / turn off a certain enchantment
enchplus.command.enchant - Enchants a item without giving the underlying material. Also allows to enchant other people's stuff, so be cautious.
enchplus.command.lasercol - Enables the abillity to colo(u)r the laser of your item in hand. Purely cosmetic and a good way to get a few extra "donations".
/ench - General command where everything within the plugin is handled
/ench give <Player> <Material> <enchantment> <?level> ... - gives the target the given enchanted item
/ench version - shows the version info of the plugin
/ench lasercol - sets the colo(u)r of the item in hand
/ench <enchantment> <?level> <?modifier> <?doNotification> - enchants the item in hand of the given player
/ench help - lists all availiable commands
A list of enchantments can be found at https://github.com/Geolykt/EnchantmentsPlus/wiki/List-of-Enchantments albeit it's currently not complete due to my lazyness
The current version of this plugin is fully compatible with Spigot version 1.17 and 1.16.5. Versions above 1.17 may work, but that is not fully guaranteed
Changes performed in this fork
to view the changes that were performed, got o https://github.com/Geolykt/Enchantm...-this-fork-compared-to-nms-less-zenchantments
how can i enchant an item with a command
In reply to spamer123456789:
/ench (enchant)
How can I make it so that the enchantments are not combinable in an anvil?
In reply to Der_Monix:
Not possible without changing the source code right now, however I could arrange that that is possible
In reply to wekabu_city:
It would be nice if you do that. That the player could enchant tools and armors with the books but not upgrade the tier with the same enchant. And I think I found a bug, for example when combining an axe with Arborist I and a book with Arborist II in an anvil, an axe with Arborist III comes out instead of Arborist II. (sorry for my bad english)
In reply to Der_Monix:
I'll look into that, but I swear that was not possible
In reply to wekabu_city:
Here are the Screenshots of my Problem. I use the 2.2.4 version, but I want to switch today to the Java 11 supported version
In reply to Der_Monix:
In the end I can reproduce it (even on 3.1.3) however I have no real idea on how or why the enchantment level is bumped. I will however at least try to work out a fix, but given the circumstances it is possible that it is simply too time consuming to work out such a fix.
Edit: I have found the "source" of the bug, however was unable to understand why exactly it occours, chances are I have to rewrite the section to be less ambigious
In reply to wekabu_city:
Thank you for looking into that problem. But still I would prefer to have an option to turn off combining in an anvil
In reply to Der_Monix:
https://files.geolykt.de/enchantments-plus-3.1.5.jar should have an option to disable anvil merging; this however opens a fully new bag of issues, but I think the way I have it right now is a worthy compromise; to some extent that is.
Is it possible to nerf enchants. Specifically siphon?
In reply to flopfleee:
Yes, by setting the power to a lower value, i. e. changing https://github.com/Geolykt/EnchantmentsPlus/blob/3xx/resources/defaultconfig.yml#L412 to like 0.5 instead of 1.0 will result it in being half as powerfull
Can I turn on / off certain enchantments from being obtainable via Books / Ehch tables? I tried to do this in 2.2.2, but changing the rarity values from 1 to 0 only broke the plugin.
In reply to Smash_Nerd_:
try to use "0.0" (without quotes of course), we don't have error recovery code in place yet, which is why something like this bricks the plugin
In reply to wekabu_city:
Thanks! I'll give it a shot!
In reply to Smash_Nerd_:
Yeah it doesn't work. What I see in the console are a crap ton of errors followed by it disabling EnchantmentsPlus. Running on the lastest version currently, 1.16.5
In reply to Smash_Nerd_:
What is your version exactly, as "latest" is not descriptive as we have two latest versions, both of them should not fatally die on simple parsing errors though, so would be good if you give the errors (at least the last error till disableing).
Sorry if this was stated previously, but is there an issue with Lumber enchantment? I tried most/all of the enchants for the axe and Lumber didn't seem to work.
In reply to ibeaPanda:
I'll look into it, but did you attempt to shift while breaking the block?
It's something that isn't very well documented and as such many people get it wrong
In reply to wekabu_city:
Hm strange, I swear I tested it that way last night but it looks like it seems to be working now. Thank you for that! Holding shift while breaking the base seems to be the way. :)