Have you ever wished for a way to give away enchanted items? Maybe you have BuyCraft or an Enjin shop and want to give enchanted items to players. Whether the player is online or offline at the time this plugin will give them the item regardless! With a config file for defining your own custom enchantment packages that you can apply to any item.
This plugin was commissioned by the owner of WildCraft: "Terribly Pleasant" go check them out!
- NEW! Add in player names, dates, times and custom variables dynamically to lore!
- NEW! Add colors into item names and lores!
- Give away pre-defined enchantment packs on any item
- Give away pre-defined potion effects on any potion!
- Add custom item names, lore, repair values, and colors to leather armor!
- Works with data values!
- Gives the player the item regardless if they are online or not
- Perfect for BuyCraft/Donationcraft integration!
- Reload the config on the fly with /ea reload
- Permissions support
- Apply any enchantment to any item
- Works through the console
- Give away unenchanted items by giving it a bogus package
How to use
- Drop the plugin and TuxTwoLib in the plugin folder
- Start the server
- Edit the config.yml file in the plugins/EnchantAnything folder with the packages and lores you want
- Do /ea reload in game and you are ready to go!
- /ea give <PlayerName> <Material:damagevalue> <package> - gives the player the item with the enchantment package applied to it
- /ea potiongive <PlayerName> <Material:damagevalue> <package> - gives the player the potion with the effects package applied to it
- /ea reload - Reloads the enchantment packages
- Optional parameters (can be added to the end of the command in any order):
-name [Item Name] - Add a custom name to the item.
-lore [lorepackage] Adds the lorepackage specified.
-color [r255,g255,b255] - Sets the color on leather armor. Separate colors by commas with no spaces. Each color is in decimal from 0-255, and should be prefixed with the color name (r = red, g = green, b = blue)
-repairxp [xpneeded] - Sets the repair cost
-custom [custom variables] - Pass custom variables for the lore
Lore Parameters
List of all the parameters you can put in the lore:
- %player% - The player's name that you are giving the object
- %date% - The curent date in YYYY-MM-DD format
- %datemdy% - The current date in MM-DD-YYYY format
- %time% - The current time in the server's timezone
- %time24% - The current time in 24 hour format
- %timezone% - The current timezone
- %#% - Custom variables passed via the -custom parameter. Each word separated by a space is a variable specified by a number, starting with 1. So in the following string: This is a test string. They would be:
%1% = This
%2% = is
%3% = a
%4% = test
%5% = string.
- enchantanything.give - The ability to give an enchanted item to a player
- enchantanything.reload - The ability to reload the config file
- enchantanything.potiongive - The ability to give a custom potion to a player
Enchantment List
Potion Effect List
I'm not a developer. Sorry.
@xdeathoreox But can you add the possibility to change the name color please? It can be awesome if you can add it, because thw white color not really beatiful, i want to add red, gree, blue, diferrent color for my ranks and for my donator, vip, etc...do you understand?
You can't change the color of the name. You can only change the color of the leather armor.
Please my question please.
??? How can i change color for the name? I use: &, r255...
Is it possible to explain me how i can change color please, i really need it...
How can i change name and lore color? is it possible to add & symbol for color behind the name for example: /ea give playername 278:50 samplepackage -name &4FAMOUSPICK
Any name I can incorporate a name in the lure? {name} or something?
What is the fortune enchantement?
EnchantAnything 1.1 with the latest version of TuxTwoLib (just released) now works on CraftBukkit 1.7.2-R0.1. From what I had pre-defined, all the enchant commands I tested work perfectly.
any chance in this coming back to life?
when i type /ea in my chat it just shows ea dones do anything else, if i type /ea give, it does the same thing if i type /ea and anything after it , it just bring ea in chat
Do you have a tutorial somewhere on how to use the config?
Thank you very much mate, thanks for taking the time to post on my behalf, you have given me some ideas what to look for
Hmm, I must not have posted the source for this plugin online, oops! You definitely have some good ideas which I will have to incorporate into the next version of the plugin. Thanks for your input, I really enjoy comments like yours. Also, sorry about not posting sooner, I've been extremely busy lately.
As I said in my post just before yours, EnchantAnything is working on my server which is 1.6.2. It has worked for quite a few builds other than the one I mentioned and is current running on build 2850
If it is giving you an item but does not have enchants, then you are referencing an item in the config that does not exist or the config is messed up and cannot be read properly. It is possible your Java version is messing with you too but you are not posting details of your system (CB build #, java version, 32/64bit, OS, etc.). I also have about 40 other plugins installed so it seems to play nice with other plugins (at least the popular ones)
Here is a sample command:
Here is a sample config:
If I wanted to give a skeleton spawner with a custom name and lore, but obviously no enchantment, I could just issue the following command which references an enchantment which does not exist (e.g. "invalid") and a lore package which does exist.
If you dont use this now what do you use to enchant your items?
This does not work for me on 1.6.2, it will give the item but its not enchanted, example
/ea give {name} 276 dsword
will only give one diamond sword which is not enchanted eventhough the package is enchanted, this is very disappointing that its not updated
EnchantAnything v1.1 works on CraftBukkit 1.6.2-R0.1 Build 2824 with TuxTwoLib-1.6.2-b2 on Windows 7, 64-bit and Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 LTS 64-bit and Java 1.7.0_21 64-bit.
Is there a way to add the buyers name and date of purchase to the lore? For example, having an entry in config.yml as "Procured by {USERNAME} on {DATE}" which if given to HammondsLegacy would read as "Procured by HammondsLegacy on 2013-07-31"
It would be handy if the config.yml had options to store what text was being sent to the client when the items are received and what text is being sent to the console (e.g. server.log). I'd like to customize the text end-users see but have the server log set to more detailed info such as a copy of the command issued. Maybe even have a separate log file of all commands issued. The ability to re-play those commands would be VERY helpful in the event of a map reset.
I'm also curious as to the location of the source code.
Thanks for creating and sharing such a useful plugin,
EDIT: If text being moved to a config file is too much work, can we have an option to disable the text output completely? I can follow-up the commands with custom "say" commands that will do the same trick.
Yeah, I believe tux is updating his library that this plugin depends on, so it is still working. However you are unable to add color to lore or item names. I would love to see that added!
Well I just used this with 1.6.2 and it seems to be working fine mind you I just ran "/ea give baffu 278 samplepackage2" as a test.
Does it still work though feed? I used to use this and was going to return to using it now.
Perhaps PM tux for the source feed!