Enchant Handicap




I have added some extra features. Not all work yet. I modified the code to be easier for me to quickly update this plugin. Please test it, Try to break it. Download the beta at http://dev.bukkit.org/media/files/662/948/enchantHandicap2C.jar

Stable Older Version

This plugin was written to give server admins power over what enchants and enchantment levels are allowed on his or her server. Some of the enchantments in minecraft are EXTREMELY over powered and make users not want to PVP at all. You can be the greatest fighter in the world, but you will nearly always lose to the guy with a sharpness V sword. This plugin aims to put a stop to this. Now you can select what the max level for each enchantment will be. You can even not allow certain enchantments such as sharpness or silk touch if you want. The power is yours!

The only reason this plugin hasn't been updated since May is I really only update it when I am made aware of / discover a bug. Thankfully its been working perfectly since the last update. I like to keep my plugins simple and lightweight as Minecraft can be a hog.

This plugin applies universally to players and administrators. In the near future I will be expanding it with permissions for admins and player groups. Potentially making certain enchantments a donor perk for your server.

If you have any features you would like added message me and I'll see what I can do.

Please report any problems you have with this plugin to me. If you would like to see it in operation it is currently in use on play.last-horizon.net

I'd also like to thank everyone for the donations I've received. I'm glad my plugin could be of service to you.


http://dev.bukkit.org/media/files/595/829/enchantHandicap.jar (Latest Version)


Save the file above in your plugins folder and start your server. The plugin defaults to allowing ALL enchants so follow the configuration below to setup.


  • Modify the config.yml file in /plugins/enchantHandicap
  • The number next to the enchantment name is the maximum level you want your users to be able to attain. (Will not go above minecraft's maximum limit)
  • If you do not want an enchantment available at all put a zero for the maximum level.
  • reload your plugins.


/maxenchants - will show user the maximum enchantment levels for all enchants.


If you notice ANY bugs or issues or quirkiness don't hesitate to contact me. Create a ticket and message me on here. I'll do my best to have it resolved in as little time as possible.


I will definitely be updating this plugin for 1.3. I should have the update released the day 1.3 is out. I have college Monday-Thursday till 5ish so expect the update shortly after.

Update (7pm 8/6/2012) I installed craftbukkit 1.3 and ran a few tests with enchant handicap and everything still appears to work exactly as it did without changing any code. If any of yall notice any issues please alert me, I'm thoroughly testing this before the official update is out.


If you like enchantHandicap or any of my other programs feel free to donate.


Also if you would like custom plugins written feel free to contact me and we will work something out.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 21, 2012
  • Last Released File
    May 29, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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