Emerald Teleport

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This plugin allows the user to place an emerald block, stand on top of it and type in the command /setemerald which will save the location of the emerald, and once this process is repeated more than once the user can then teleport to a random location from block to block by right clicking on the emerald they typed /setemerald on.


  • /setemerald = saves the location of the emerald block you're standing on
  • /unsetemerald = unregisters the location of the emerald block you're standing on
  • /loademerald = loads emerald locations from disk
  • /saveemerald = saves emerald locations to disk
  • /clearemerald = clears list of all locations from disk
  • /disableemeraldteleport = disables the function

How to use

  1. To register an emerald’s location for teleportation, stand on top of block and type /setemerald
  2. To be able to teleport, repeat step 1 in a different location with a different block.
  3. To teleport, right click a registered emerald to be sent to a random emerald location (you may get sent to the same location more than once).
  4. To unregister an emerald as a location, stand on top of the emerald and type /unsetemerald
  5. To disable the plugin, type /disableemeraldteleport. To enable plugin after disabling, type /reload (reloads all server plugins).
  6. You cannot destroy any registered emerald block without admin privileges or disable the plugin or unregister a registered block location. You have to have permission to register a new block location. For a full list of permissions you can check the plugin.yml file in the .jar.


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