Emerald Bank
» If you like this plugin you should definitely check out our other plugins too «
Here comes the friendly bank counter ...
- First off: it's friendly ;-)
- Uses signs as bank counters
- Just tap the sign and talk directly to the 'bank assistant' (by following the instructions and for example by just typing the amount into the chat)
- Deposit emeralds from your inventory into the users bank account
- Withdraw emeralds from the bank account into your inventory
- Transfer money from your bank account to some else's
- Smart conversion of emeralds and emerald block on deposit/withdrawal
- To close the bank counter, just walk away ;-)
- Uses the Vault plugin to be compatible to all major economy plugins
- Talks in the following languages: English, German (feel free to contribute other translations)
Creating or removing bank counters
To create a new bank counter you just need to create a sign with the text "Emerald Bank" within the first row. To remove a bank counter, hold down the sneak button and destroy the sign.
- ebank.admin - users with this permission can create or remove bank counters
Useful Economy Tips:
- Put some Shopkeeper near the bank counter who could change money (blocks into emeralds and vice versa)
- Use the Rebalance Villagers plugin to rebalance your economy to suit your needs
Source Code & Snapshots
Feel free to contribute or share your thoughts and ideas! GitHub: http:github.com/DerFlash/EmeraldBank
You can find snapshot builds in the Jenkins.¹
¹ Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
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» Powered by Cube Nation «
I create a bank and all it says is "Bank Created". When I right-click I'm not getting any text that says withdraw, deposit, etc. Please help.
bonjour pouvez vous mettre la version 1.7.10 de emeraldbank plz mr
pouvez vous mettre la version 1.7.10 de emmerald bank plz
yesterday we've found a huge bug, which should be fixed as soon as possible:
If you rename an emerald with an anvil to something different, you're able to deposit the given amount without losing the emeralds in your inventory. This means that player have an infinite source of emeralds.
We are really dependent to this plugin but can't keep it running with this bug!
Thanks in advance!
Hello, I made a translation of this plugin in Chinese, I can send it to you, could you add this to the new version of the plugin?
Same issue here.
zuerst einmal ein großes Dankeschön für dieses großartige Plugin. Dies hat unseren Server enorm bereichert. Leider funktioniert das System der Überweisung nicht mehr (oder ich mache etwas falsch). Ich habe den letzten Snapshot eingespielt (1.0.1) und alle mir eingefallenen Kombinationen in den Chat getippt. Meistens passiert gar nichts (auch nicht in der Konsole) und ab und zu bekomme ich folgenden Meldung: Diese Person ist entweder gerade nicht online oder nicht bekannt. Achte auf die korrekte Schreibweise!
Vielleicht hast Du einen Tipp für mich, da wir die Überweisungen gerne direkt am Schalter vornehmen wollen würden.
EDIT: Wir nutzen aktuell Bukkit für Version 1.7.2, ist jedoch auch schon unter 1.6.4 aufgetreten.
LG Marco
Hi There...
I have 1 thing please to make this plugin perfect :).
I am using the english file, yet I see Smaragd Block. Deposited 1 Smaragd Block etc... In the en.lang there is nothing.
Thanks and great work :)
Actually there are only two language files within the jar. You could open it (its basically just a zip file) with some tool and add a translated fr.lang file to it. Then you'll be able to switch to "fr" in the config.yml. But feel free to use one of the provided language files within the jar(zip) and send it to me. I'd like to add it for sure, so every user can use it.
This should only happen when you still have another bank counter active while opening another. Try to move away from it so it closes (sends you goodbye) and then try to create the new one.
How to make multiple signs ? When it try to do it, I get :
How can i translate the messages in french ?
Nothing happens when i do that. I DO EXACTLY "EXACTLY" LIKE THAT. 1.Download Vault 2.Download this 3.Restart the server 4.Build a bank stand 5.Put the frikin signs
CubeNation, I am trying the "new" version and now I'm not even getting error messages or changes in the sign.
I can create a sign by typing "Emerald Bank". I can not get a sign to show the deposit/withdraw/transfer options anymore.
Additionally, I see no command options through /help.
Perhaps it works for your server since it was initially set up in working condition?
Hi there and first off: sry for the delay, I'm still here. Reason that I didn't check the comments here for some time was the fact, that the plugin runs fine on out own server at the last version (CB 1.5.2).
Can you do me a favor and try the last version from the jenkins and see if it works then? Otherwise please send me and updated stracktrace of the error your get.
Hrm, is the author unresponsive?
You nailed it. You sum up what I have experienced precisely.
this plugin could not be enabled :-(
2013-04-02 08:51:15 [WARNING] [EmeraldBank] Disabling EmeraldBank plugin... 2013-04-02 08:51:15 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling EmeraldBank v1.0 (Is it up to date?) org.bukkit.plugin.IllegalPluginAccessException: Plugin attempted to register EmeraldBank v1.0 while not enabled at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.registerEvents(SimplePluginManager.java:499) at de.derflash.plugins.emeraldbank.EmeraldBank.onEnable(EmeraldBank.java:89) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:217) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:457) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:381) at com.sectorgamer.sharkiller.milkAdmin.WebServer.run(WebServer.java:809)
I use bukkit version 2723. Can you update this great plugin?
Greetz hahito
Love it; it works really well with Shopkeepers and Rebalance Villagers... but some problems:
1) The word "emerald blocks" is often in German, for instantce "Deposit successful: 2 Smaragd Blocke & $2."
2) The text "Withdraw/Deposit/Transfer by typing the amount into the chat or tap the sign again" could be clearer. I suggest "Withdraw/Deposit/Transfer by typing the amount into the chat. For a different kind of transaction, tap the sign again."
3) The "Transfer" option doesn't seem to work at all, and is in any case completely without documentation. Like, if I wanted to transfer 40 emeralds to user "tamorex" would I type in "40 tamorex," "tamorex 40," "40" then "tamorex," or "tamorex" then "40?" There needs to be more detail in the pop-up guide here. I suggest the following:
"Transfer by typing the amount into the chat. For a different kind of transaction, tap the sign again." [player enters quantity of emeralds to be transferred, presses enter] "Thank you. Please enter the name of the recipient into the chat." [player enters target name, presses enter] "Thank you, you have sent [X] emeralds to [PLAYER]"
I am looking forward to this plugin's continued development. It's nice to finally have an alternative to EssentialsEco/iConomy/all the other plugins that introduce abstract "dollars" or other forms of fiat currency into the game.
THis is really good but can you add a way to change the price of emeralds plz!