
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


What is Embargo?

Embargo is a plugin that lets you to prevent players from transporting items between worlds. What sets Embargo apart is that Embargo handles these restrictions one way; just like a trade embargo. When a player uses a portal or teleports between worlds, Embargo checks to see if they are allowed to bring items into that world from their departing world. If not the player simply has all of their items dropped behind them.

Embargo is configurable and uses permissions to allow players to bypass Embargo completely.

Embargo supports more than one embargo per world and is compatible with Multiverse Sign Portals, Multiverse Portals, and MyWorlds as well as any other plugin that uses nether portals or teleport commands to transport players.


Say you have two worlds: world_a and world_b. You would like to prevent items from world_b entering world_a but want to allow items from world_a to enter world_b. Just configure world_a to have an embargo on world_b and you're done!


  1. Download the current version of Embargo.jar
  2. Put Embargo.jar in your plugins folder located in your Minecraft server directory.
  3. Start or reload your server to generate the default config.yml for Embargo. This config file will be put into a folder called Embargo inside your plugins folder.
  4. Open up the config.yml in plugins/Embargo and enter your world names appropriately.
  5. Reload your server and have fun!

If the above wasn't clear to you I suggest reading the Installing Plugins article on the Bukkit wiki.


Default config.yml

# Embargo Configuration File
# Author: nmacholl
# November 10th, 2012

#Here are some quick examples of how to set up Embargo.
#You can just uncomment them and put in your world names.
#Make sure you enter your world names correctly!
#Use the permission token "embargo.immune" to make users
#immune to this plugin.

#united states:
#  - cuba

#  - world_nether
#  - world_the_end

#This message is displayed to the player when items are taken from them.
alertmsg: " ** Items were dropped from your inventory!"

#If you want items to be deleted instead of dropped set this to true.
deleteItems: false

#Set this to true if you want Embargo to listen to any teleportation
#events. Enabling this will make Embargo compatible with some mods
#such as MyWorlds with the caveat that players can't use commands to
#bypass Embargo.
strongMode: false

Example Configurations

Default Example:

  - world_nether
  - world_the_end

Creates an embargo for world against world_nether and world_the_end. This means that players can carry items into world_nether and world_the_end from world using portals; but can not from world_nether into world or world_the_end into world. Items are still free to move between world_nether and world_the_end.

Another Example:

  - world_nether
  - world

Imagine you have two worlds: world and world_nether. The above configuration makes it so that players can't carry items between world and world_nether using portals.



Having this permission will make players invisible to Embargo. This permission is given to operators by default. Alternatively, you can give players immunity to particular embargoes!


The following permission will let someone bring items into "world" regardless of whatever embargoes are in place. You can also award players permissions to transport certain blocks across worlds. This works by giving the player a permission like so:


Where X is the decimal data value for the block players are allowed to transport. A comprehensive list of data values for blocks can be found here.

Download Latest Development Version

Not recommended unless the current version on dev.bukkit.org is broken.


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