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This plugin is in the planning/developing stage. It is not ready yet. Sorry for excited server owners. I am working on this plugin as my first... so ya, I am crazy. I hope to make a lot of cool plugins in the future but all the plugins I make are for my server that will be coming out maybe next summer.
The Plan:
Arena Setup
The gameplay needs to be selected to prevent modification durring gameplay. Games can be 1 vs. 1 or a team match. You can have as many start arenas as you want. They can be any size. The only actions allowed in the arenas are PVP and Eliminations commands. All other commands are blocked, no block placement, portals will not work. Chests may be added later. You have to build the arenas with walls or else the players can escape. Anti-exit regions could be added if the are needed at some point.
Mode A - Multigame
Setup the arenas in a pyramid. All arenas can be different. Since each round is in a different set of arenas multiple games can be hosted in the same arena.
Mode B - Compact
Setup the arenas in a line or block. All arenas can be different. Only one game can be hosted since there is only enoch arenas to host one game at round 1.
All arenas have to have two teleportation points. Even for teams. If SpawnSpread is installed all players in a team will be spread out in a five block radius.
Spectating A
All arenas must have their own spectating teleportation point and area. This may be anywhere you like and hopefully a stats and scoreboard can be added that can be placed anywhere on the server. They can show an elimination board, top players, and more.
A lobby can be setup with a scoreboard and join signs. This is where the exit teleportation point can be set.
To be added
All players/teams get their own color unless there is not enough colors to support the number of arenas. The admin can theme the first round of arenas to match the color in either mode. Once the round starts a timer starts. The two players/teams times that match the closest will be paired in the next round.
Mode B
Player will never be in the same arena
Players can bet on who will win with items or Vault Currency
Players must spectate a specific player so they can teleport to each arena. If players type tour where the name is suppose to go then they will get a tour of the arenas by teleporting to the next one every 10 seconds. This works in mode A or B.
Dependencies (As of this moment, more or less...)
What is Elimination?
Round 1: 1,4,6,7
Round 2: 4,6
1-4 | 6-7
1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8
This plugin may be added to the PVP Arena plugin later.