
Explanation of the command syntax and a list of all commands with their purpose and origin. Note that all commands start with /elev, /elevator or /elevators !

Command syntax

Syntax description

spacesyou have to keep spaces between your command parameters/elev update
Wrong: /elevupdate
Right: /elev update
<parameter>substitute this parameter by your own value./elev floor create <floor name>
Right: /elev floor create MyFloor
Wrong: /elev floor create <MyFloor> (do not use < or > in the substituted parameter!)
Wrong: /elev floor create My floor 1 (do NEVER use spaces in your value like this!)
Right: /elev floor create "My floor 2" (you can use quotation marks when you want to pass multiple words at once.)
[<parameter>]substitute this parameter by your own value. This parameter is optional, it can be omitted./elev create [<elevator name>]
Right: /elev create MyElevator
Right: /elev create "The premium elevator"
Right: /elev create
word1|word2|word3|...choose one of the given words./elev move up|down|north|east|south|west|forward
Right: /elev move forward
Right: /elev move down
Wrong: /elev move
Wrong: /elev move up|down
Wrong: /elev move random
[word1|word2|word3|...]This parameter is optional, choose one of the given words or omit them./elev move [up|down|north|east| south|west|forward] [<direction>]
Right: /elev move forward
Right: /elev move down
Right: /elev move north 10
Right: /elev move
Wrong: /elev move up|down
Wrong: /elev move random
Right: /elev move 20


commandusage examples
/elev create [<elevator name>] [flat|full]/elev create
/elev create MyElevator
/elev create "My named elevator"
/elev create "My Elevator" full
/elev create flat
/elev floor name|rename [<new name>] [<old name>]/elev floor name
/elev floor rename Floor
/elev floor rename "highest floor ever"
/elev floor rename "base" "1st floor"
/elev move [up|down|north|east| south|west|forward|max] [<distance>] [<elevator name>]/elev move
/elev move up
/elev move forward 20
/elev move north 5 "My elevator"
/elev move down "My elevator"
/elev move "My elevator"

List of all commands

Normal commands

create [<elevator name>] [normal|flat|full]main plugincreates an elevator at your current location.
delete|remove [<elevator name>]main plugindeletes the elevator at your current location or the one with the specified name.
floor|floors create <name>floors extensioncreates a floor at the elevator's current position.
floor|floors delete|remove [<floor name>] [<elevator name>]floors extensiondeletes a previously created floor
floor|floors move <floor name> [<elevator name>]floors extensionmoves the elevator to the floor you specified.
floor|floors name|rename [<new name>] [<old name>]floors extensiondisplays the current name of the floor you are standing on or changes a floor's name
move [up|down|north|east| south|west|forward] [<distance>] [<elevator name>]main pluginmoves the elevator the given distance to a specific direction. Without parameters, the elevator moves along any path it can find.
name|rename [<new name>] [<old name>]main plugindisplays the current name of the elevator you are standing on or changes an elevator's name
rail|rails [<rail id>] [<connector id>] [<elevator name>]main plugindisplays or changes the material of rails and rail rail connector blocks for a specific elevator.
stop [<elevator name>]main pluginImmediately stops an elevator that is moving.
update [<elevator name>]main pluginupdates the blocks you have placed on the elevator you are standing on.

Interactive block sections

These commands can be used to bind other commands to interactive blocks, like redstone-powered blocks.

rs|redstone extensioninputbinds a command (indicated by ...) to a redstone source block. Whenever this block is powered, the command is executed
rsout|redstoneoutput extensionoutputbinds a command (indicated by ...) to a lever, acting as redstone output. Whenever conditions specified by the given command are met, the lever will produce a redstone signal.

Interactive block commands

These commands can be used in conjunction with an interactive block section, for example /elev rs. Put the command where the ... is located in the table above. Example: /elev rs floor move "ground floor"

commandoriginsection typepurpose
floor [<floor name>] [<elevator name>]floors extensionoutputOutputs (for example a redstone signal) when the elevator is moved to the specified floor.
floor call [<search range>]floors extensioninputCalls all elevators to floors around the block in the given search range.
floor move <floor name> [<elevator name>]floors extensioninputMoves an elevator to the specified floor when interacting with a block.
move [<elevator name>]interactive block extensionoutputOutputs (for example a redstone signal) when the elevator is in movement.
move [up|down|north|east|south|west|forward] [<distance>] [<elevator name>]interactive block extensioninputMoves an elevator (just like the regular /elev move command) when interacting with a block.


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