Eggsploder 1.4 - Update for 1.4.6


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  • Uploaded
    Jan 6, 2013
  • Size
    108.32 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.6-R0.3


V 1.4:

Re-added V10lator's Auto-Updater =D!
Fixed the Lightning Strike that was causing fire. It will no longer do it.

V 1.3:

Fixed onEnable bug. The plugin should start good now :3

V 1.2.1:

Removed V10lator's Auto-Updater to respect DevBukkit's new policy. ( Me has big sad =C )
Fixed the message and damage for creative players with the death grenade.

V 1.1:

Added Cooldown(Configurable) Grenade - Request by nkomosim
Fixed the bug for 1.4.2... Works perfectly now :D! Yey

V 1:

Added Radiation Grenade
Added Permission:
Re-wrote the plugin from scratch:
Added V10lator's Auto-Updater

V 0.9.5:

Added Lightning Strike Grenade
Added Permission:

Players cannot fire FROM protected areas by this plugin! "Request by bman01"
Added check in config.yml for animal/monster damage on eggsplosion! "Request by bman01"

V 0.9:

Added GriefPrevention Support:

Players cannot fire INTO protected areas by this plugin! "Request by bman01"

Fixed a bug where the console would be spammed by errors if the player did not have 1 of these(WorldGuard/Factions)
Added timer for the flames of the Coctail Molotov. Default : 5 seconds.

V 0.8.5:

Added WorldGuard Support:

Players cannot fire into protected areas

Added Factions Support:

Players cannot fire into Safezone. (All others they can so be careful)

V 0.8:

Added Coctail Molotov
Added permissions:

egg.molotov (Coctail Molotov)

Added command:

  • /egg p OR /egg player - Toggles the player damage on eggsplosions.

V 0.7:

Added Death Grenades
Added permissions:

egg.death (Death Grenades)

V 0.6:

Added Ether Grenades
Added Nocive Grenades
Added permissions:

egg.nocive (Nocive Grenades)
egg.ether (Ether Grenades)
egg.use (All grenades so far but no access to the /egg command)

V 0.3:

Added Flashbang Grenades
Added Slow Grenades
Changed the permissions

egg.frag(Explosive grenades)
egg.flash(Flashbang grenades)
egg.slow(Slow Grenades)

V 0.1:
Added all the request asked for.