

This plugin has become kind of a zombie! Adding stuff with my rudimentary coding skills, it has become so ugly to watch x.x I only updated coz people seemed to enjoy it, and that's what really matters right? But I'm going to update it for future Bukkit updates, and that's all. No more stuff added/changed here. From now on I will only focus on Eggsplosia! You can find it here:!eggplosia/c1i11 It's kinda like Eggsploder but better try it out if you want :3 peace <3 love you all PREVIEW VIDEO:


Blow up stuff with Eggs!

Or don't ;) Your choice! You can disable block damage by doing /egg damage block. Simple as that :3

To change between grenades simply left click

Download latest Version

StableDownload Beta Version 2 for CB1.6.2 - R 0.1
FeaturesSize28 Kb
FeaturesUpdated onSeptember 18th 2013 at 23h (GMT)
FeaturesCreated byVandrake
StableIf you like my work please consider donatingEven 1 Dollar is fine ^w^ :3

A small video by Revanevan99 on this plugin :P

Permissionsegg.*All eggsploder permissions
Permissionsegg.toggleAccess to the command /egg
Permissionsegg.bypassAllows the user to bypass the countdown between grenades
Permissionsegg.adminAdmin permission
Permissionsegg.useAllows the use/selection of ALL grenades
Permissionsegg.fragAllows the use/selection of Explosive Grenades
Permissionsegg.flashAllows the use/selection of Flashbang Grenades
Permissionsegg.slowAllows the use/selectionof Slime Grenades
Permissionsegg.nociveAllows the use/selection of Nocive Grenades
Permissionsegg.etherAllows the use/selection of Ether Grenades
Permissionsegg.deathAllows the use/selection of Death Grenades
Permissionsegg.molotovAllows the use/selection of Coctail Molotov
Permissionsegg.lightningAllows the use/selection of Lightning Strike
Permissionsegg.radiationAllows the use/selection of Radiation Grenade
Grenade TypesGRENADESGrenade Types
Frag GrenadeFrag GrenadeExplodes and damages everything in the surrounding area.
Flashbang GrenadeFlashbang GrenadeExplodes and causes blind effect.
Slime GrenadeSlime GrenadeExplodes and causes slow effect.
NociveGrenadeNocive GrenadeExplodes and causes poison and confusion effect.
Ether GrenadeEther GrenadeExplodes and causes hunger.
Death GrenadeDeath GrenadeExplodes and causes instant damage ignoring armour.
Coctail MolotovCoctail MolotovBreaks and sets on fire the surrounding blocks.
Lightning StrikeLightning StrikeBreaks and strikes 4 lightnings on the location.
Radiation GrenadeRadiation GrenadeHits every entity within 50(configurable) blocks with radiation. Kills anything thats not a player and poisons any player..
SettingsConfig.ymlOpen it and change whatever you want! Any doubt contact me.
SettingsMessages.ymlOpen it and change the messages to match your language! Any doubt contact me.

Check my other projects!


About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 13, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Sep 22, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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