Bank Economy

Economy By Sking3000.

Short instructions:

You can earn money by getting the following items:

- Stick worth: 0.01$
- Iron_nugget worth 1.00$
- Gold_nugget worth 10.00$
- Emerald worth 100.00$


after you earned your money you can come to the "bank" and deposit this money!

otherwise you can withdrew money to change with friends. after you earned enough money you can pay in shops and so on!


this plugin can be used as:

- Prison economy plugin, and connect to rankup system.

- Economy plugin for survival and factions server, and connect to the Shop plugin.

and so on!


the plugin developed on Minecraft 1.11.2 but it can be used on every Minecraft Version that has Iron nuggets.. :P


User Commands:

/money (Check your balance.)
/bank <Deposit/Withdrew> <amount> (Deposit or withdrew money to your bank account. {Must be near bank}).
/economy Info about the plugin


Admin Commands: (Permission: economy.admin)

/startmoney <amount> (Set the starting balance.)
/setbank (Declare the bank block)
/tpbank Teleport to the bank (admin only)

/balance <add/set> <player> <amount> NEW!!!

For more questions and suggestions comment down below.


Thanks for using this plugin and hope you enjoy using it.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 3, 2017
  • Last Released File
    Jun 4, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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